III : Delphinus

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September 1, 1993


I woke up half to 6 to start getting ready to leave for Hogwarts. I've been packed and ready to go for days now but I still want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything.

I haven't worn the necklace that Draco got me yet since you know... I hate him. I still packed it though, just in case.

I can't wait to see my friends again. The girls and I met up a couple times during the summer and have been sending owls back and forth but I haven't heard a thing from the boys.

I know that another one of Blaise's step fathers "mysteriously" died. He doesn't seem bothered though, it's not like this is the first time this has happened. Personally, I suspect that his mum has been the one killing her husbands, taking their wealth and then moving on to another, but I would never say this out loud. I just keep most of my thoughts to myself.

After I finish checking off the items that I've packed I'm ready to go. But wait, it's still only 6 a.m. So now what am I supposed to do?

I sank down into my soft bed and stared at the sky. I had my father cast a spell on my ceiling so that I could see the sky on it when I was in my 1st year. Sure it gets a bit scary during thunderstorms but it's quite beautiful any other time I look at it.

I slowly get lost in my thoughts, even though it's my 3rd year at Hogwarts, I still feel new school year jitters before I return. I hear the house elves downstairs using some pots and pans to make breakfast. But I just drown out the noises and wait until it's time to go.


11 a.m.

My parents apparated us to an alleyway right next to King Cross Station. My dad is pushing my trolley and my mum keeps trying to talk to me. I appreciate the effort, but she just gets on my nerves.

"Say hello to Dumbledore for me will you? And don't forget to write to me as soon as you get a chance."

"Okay, okay mum. I will." I start walking a bit faster.

"I know that there will be a lot of unhealthy, fun food choices but always go for the healthier options. Remember to not eat what you see your friends eating, just be careful."

Typical mumsy. Always feeling the need to look out for my already slim figure. She's quite the fitness guru and cringes at even the thought of me eating anything other than vegetables. I just nod in response.

After we've run through the wall I immediately start looking for my friends. Hopping up and down to see above people. Lets see... no, no, not them. I just assume that they're on the train and attempt to say a quick goodbye to my parents.

I give my mum a quick hug and my dad a nod before picking up my trunk and trying to leave. Just as I thought that I did it, my goodbye wasn't a big scene, I felt my mum turn me around and pull me into a tight embrace.

"Don't think you're getting away that easy missy." She laughs as she hugs me.

After I manage to shrug her off and pull away I quickly say, "See you at Christmas- goodbye" and with that I dash off into the train. I push past people looking for the cabin my friends are in when I see Ginny and Daphne running towards me.

"Ari! Ari!" They both yell as they pull me into a hug.

"Hey guys!" I responded with a wide smile. All of the sudden they both let go of me and the faces turn awestruck, looking me up and down.

"You...changed," Ginny said.

"Thanks?" I laugh.

"No, you look really mature..." Daphne adds.

See you at the stars.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin