XI : Ophiuchus

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January 6, 1994


I attended my classes the next day just like usual. I'm quite surprised that I haven't seen Theo and that he hasn't tried to get back at me. I kinda became the talk of the school. Everyone now knows about what happened and that the howler was my doing. You can thank Ginny for that, she is in love with the fact that I dumped him. Girls he has played give me high fives in the hall, guys congratulate me, and there are always hush voices chatting to each other whenever I pass.

I'm walking back from my Study of Ancient Runes class alone. Ginny who was originally walking with me left to prepare some notes for Divination and the others don't take or don't have this class with me. I have some heavy books in my arms that I reposition every second so that they're not digging into my stomach or arms.

Most people carry books in book bags but my mother insisted that I either magic my books around or carry them since she doesn't want to ruin my posture. Step one to rebelling: get a bookbag.

I stare straight ahead not wanting to make eye contact with anyone and get caught up in small talk. My legs move in long strides. You see, I want to go back to my dorm as soon as possible to drop these books and get ready for my next class. Of course though my dream is short lived when Malfoy comes beside me and starts matching his walking pace to mine.

"Lovely day isn't?" He asks not looking at me.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I ask as we turn a corner. He shrugs.

"You got rid of Nott didn't you? I need a new best friend."

"You're not seriously hinting that I must be your next candidate," I now turn to look at him. He shrugs again.

"You do know that there is a better way to carry your books." I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I know that." I look back ahead, keeping my walking speed high.

"I don't think you do. You're a witch and you're carrying your books like a muggle. At least get a bag, you look ridiculous," I don't respond. "Wingardium Leviosa," He points his wand at my books and gets them levitating above my head.

"Your so annoying! Give them back I'm in a hurry!" I say not bothering to try and get them back, instead looking up at him. In Ancient Runes, to refrain students from cheating, you are not allowed to have your wands. "They must stay back in your dormitory." Professor Babbling explained at the beginning of the year. I've always been tall but Malfoy still has a few inches on me making it almost impossible to get them.

"I'm being a gentleman. You should learn some manners. Now where to?" He asks. I stare at him.

"Why are you bothering me? We never talk and I have been enjoying that so why change the status quo?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Like I said, you got rid of Nott, I'm bored. Now where to?" I roll my eyes, again.

"I did not get rid of Nott, well maybe I did but you're the one who told me everything. If it really bothers you go ahead and join him and his friends." His blank facial expression is so infuriating I just want to slap it off.

"I will not be doing that. Would you rather I not have told you anything? Thanks to me you know what your boyfriend's been up to. Now where to?"

"Ex," I correct him. "My ex-boyfriend." He looms over me.

"Are you gonna tell me where to like I've been asking or would you like me to throw your books in the lake?" I give him a long glare.

"I need to take them to my dorm." I say finally. He smirks and starts walking again. I speed walk a little to catch up to him and when I do I ask,

"Don't you have classes?"

"Not for a while." I'm looking at him from the side as he looks straight ahead and walks. As he turns his head I quickly look away. Out of my peripheral vision I can see that his face still carries the same emotionless expression that he is known for. Just now I finally realize that this does not look good. To the naked eye it looks like he's carrying my books for me, well I guess he is but it's more complicated than that.

He stops watching me as we descend the stairs to the dungeon. "Ok this has been fun but do not ever do it again." I say turning to him gesturing for my books back. He smirks at this and keeps walking.

"What are you doing? You can't go into the girls dormitory," I stay back and watch him keep walking. I catch up with him struggling to keep up with his pace.

"Which is yours?" He asks. Reluctantly I answer,

"That one," I point to my shared dorm. He walks up to it and mummers "alohomora," The door opens slightly.

"How did you..." I say, knowing well that the spell isn't supposed to work on the dorm doors. He just smirks to himself as he walks in dumping the books on my bed. He rubs his hands together. "Well I'm off, toodles," He leaves out the door.

Ginny, who was sitting on her bed, looks at me before I watch him walk down the hall into Pansy's room.

I close the door and turn back around to see her smirking at me. "You move on quick. What was that all about?" I roll my eyes and gather my stuff for my next class, collecting my wand.

I take a long sigh. "Just him being a prick like always." I sit down and review my notes until Ginny looks away and back to hers.

Once she looks away I look up a little and start wondering. I'm very confused with the events that just occurred. First of all, if he had no class why was he lurking in the hallway? And why did he go into Pansy's room? I know for a fact she likes him. Pansy is one of the few girls who have their very own room. I know Draco has his own too. So if they needed to talk why did he come all the way here instead of her going over to him? So many questions with so little answers.

"I think I'm gonna go for a little walk, save me a seat at Divination?" Ginny nods and I'm on my way. Fresh air would be good for my thoughts.

See you at the stars.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant