Part 6

42 0 0

Wow, I really need to make more time for this.



Just believe.

I close my eyes and believe that I can fly. I feel myself lift off the ground and I open my eyes. Shadow lets me adjust to flying then he takes off towards the sky. Its so beautiful now that I'm looking down. I never realized how big the mansion was until I was above it. Shadow pulls me above the clouds and my jaw drops in amazement. Millions of stars are glittering in the sky. The clouds are so soft and fluffy, it looks like cotton candy. Pastel colors streak the clouds and I cant believe how God designed all of this. My head starts to feel funny and I cant keep my eyes open. Shadow sees this and instead of holding onto my hand, he carries me.

Just close your eyes. Ive got you.

I let my eyes drop closed and I breathe deeply. I know exactly where we are going.

Second star to the right and straight on till morning.


Peter's POV

Lost boys! I just got word that my shadow is bringing a new lost boy. Get everything ready and meet me at the drop off in 30.

Jeez, these boys better get their act together.

I walk into my tent and change my mud stained clothes.

I wonder what the new boy is gonna be like

I brush my coffee brown hair and walk back out of the tent. The lost boys are ready to go.

Alright boys, lets go."


My gang stands in the middle of the drop off waiting for my shadow. I feel my muscles tense and my anger rising. I take a deep breath as Shadow lands carrying a bundle. He sets it down and tells me to be careful with her.



Howdy everyone!

Anyone need help with US History? I gotchu;)

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