Chapter Seven

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(Willow's POV)

I almost laughed out loud when I found out that the Officials were torturing us with electricity.

How dumb could they get? I'm an electric Unspeakable! Did they even do any research on us?

Kenny, Gavin and I were tied up against bolted down chairs on a stage. On the other side of the stage, also tied up, sit Rachel and Brady.

I don't know what to make of that girl, sure she's angry with me for killing her brother; I guess that's understandable- but what was with that last outburst? I mean I wasn't asking much, she's going to get out of jail anyways, might as well do something useful with her Normal life.

"Man," Gavin whistles, "this scene remind you guys of anything?"

We're not gagged, just immobile, and the Officials aren't even monitoring us- or even around us for the matter.

"We had so much power," I sigh.

"We'll get it back," Kenny assures, his face set, "they can't hold us forever."

"Course they can," Gavin snorts, "or they'll just keep us until we're useless."

.Our futures certainly aren't bright; they never have been, but now- the light just keeps on fading.

Kenny's staring at Rachel and Brady, who- unlike us- are getting words of encouragement from the crowd.

"We want you home, with your parents," one woman calls.

"They'll set you free, you won't have to be with their kind anymore," another shouts.

I guess they've all forgotten that Sam's their brother and that their parents had an Unspeakable.


"Don't even look at them," I sigh, "they aren't worth our attention."

"Where's Lance?" Kenny suddenly asks, "Why isn't he here with us?"

I frown; I haven't seen our camera man since we arrived at the jail. He wasn't with us when the power went out either.

Gavin shrugs, "Maybe he got away?"

"He didn't," I murmur, "we were all taken in- together."

"A) we wouldn't know that," Gavin points out, "cause Kenny and I were knocked out. And B) it's possible, he's pretty powerful- when he wants to be."

I shake my head, "We would have heard about it. And the two of you obviously heard he came with us, so don't give me the 'we were knocked out' speech."

"What about Sam and Ebony?" Kenny asks, tearing his eyes away from the Normals and their goggling crowd, "What happened to them?"

I raise my eyebrow, "You haven't heard?"

Kenny shakes his head, "I've been either in interrogation or isolation."

Gavin lets out a low whistle, "Dude, even I've heard this one."

"I killed Sam," I say with just a tiny bit of remorse, "that's for sure. And Ebony wasn't captured by us- but I think she was killed by the Officials."

"You killed him?" Kenny asks, excitement rising in his voice.

I nod.

A tiny smirk rises on his face, but then it quickly fades, "We're probably going to be joining him soon."

Gavin sighs, "This sucks."

I stare out at the crowded square; a spring breeze lightly plays with the strands of my blond hair, "It'll be over soon, I don't want to sound morbid- but the Officials will kill us eventually."

"They could just pick us off right now," Gavin remarks, "I mean- there's nothing separating the crowd and us. If they're so angry, why don't they just grab a shot gun and snipe us in the head?"

His question stumps me, but not Kenny, "Because," he answers, "they're afraid of us."

"Like this?" I snort, "They're afraid of us- tied up and cuffed to a chair?"

Kenny scowls deeply at the crowd, and nods.

"I wonder what happened to the others," Gavin wonders out loud, "Michael, Lydia, Caroline, Kenya, everyone."

"They're probably dead," Kenny says, still staring at the crowd.

"Thanks sunshine," Gavin mumbles.

"Attention, please if I could have your attention!" a projected voice calls out through the crowd. Up on the stage his voice is so loud that if my hands were free I would have clenched them over my ears.

The noise level dims until only a few murmurs race through the crowd every so often.

The man smiles, he looks like a wimp- glasses, thinning hair, a crooked posture, I wonder why he's up there, "Thank you, now I'm sure you all know why you're here today-,"

"For the Unspeakable's torture!" someone screams, causing roars of celebration throughout the crowd.

I glance over at Gavin and Kenny, they're both emotionless.

Following their lead, I put on a bored look; the Normals don't need to know how intimidating this is.

"Yes, uh please settle down- thank you, so this is a simple little torture I've come up with," the tiny man continues, "you see, on their wrists are tiny electric buzzers-,"

An Official violently grabs Gavin's arm and yanks it out of the bounds, raising his exposed wrists up to the crowd. A small black box is embedded on his left wrist, just like mine.

"Now you see, I'm going to ask questions to these three and- if you could pull up the chart- thank you," the tiny man says as an image suddenly fills the huge television I appeared on just a few days ago. Kenny's, Gavin's, and my name are all displayed along with one "truth or "lie" box underneath the name.

"When they were brought to us, I installed a microchip that will read their pulse, brain waves, ect, and if a lie is detected- then the 'lie' box will light up and the liar will be shocked. The more lies that are detected, the hire the electric shock will be delivered, until- if they continue to lie- it kills them. Simple as that."

Suddenly it sinks in what they're saying- not the death part- electric shock! These idiots!

I'm immune to electricity, I won't even feel the "shock" they deliver, and if I try hard enough- I might even be able to short circuit the chip delivering the 'lie' and 'truth' results!

Out of the corner of their eye, Gavin and Kenny are both giving me excited looks. It's taking all my will power to not burst out laughing- how did they not know I was immune?

"And just as a little example-," the tiny man smirks, nodding to a man with a remote in his hand, gleefully the man presses a big blue button.

Beside me, Kenny and Gavin both jolt with the sudden burst of electricity, and sure enough- I don't feel a thing.

"Ow!" I cry out, not wanting to draw any suspicions from the crowd.

The man's smirk grows, "Now that we have our guidelines established- who wants to start the interrogation?"

The crowd cheers with excitement.

Slowly the excitement starts to die out of me; I can short circuit my devices- but what about Kenny and Gavin?

If they get to much electricity, they could end up in an even worse state than death- and eventually- even though they both act tough and brave- they'll crack.

I'm going to need a distraction- a big one too- if I'm going to get all three of us out of this alive.

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