Chapter Two

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(Rachel's POV)

When the power went out, I almost leapt with joy.

Power outages mean riots preformed by Normals, everyone knows that. When I first met Sam one was being held, but this time- a power outage means so much more.

The Normals obviously aren't happy about something, which means that already the Officials have to make the choice- Unspeakables or Normals.

And it's obvious who they choose when the Officials come to my cell to "escort me down the holding room," as they put it.

It was pitch black, but they were stocked with flashlights.

"What's going on out there?" I ask immediately, as they start leading me down the dark hallways. The only restraints I have on are a rusty pair of handcuffs, which is pretty fair to me considering the Officials think I helped with Unspeakable rebellion.

"That information is not allowed to be distributed to our prisoners mam," the Official answers, though there's a hint of cruelty behind his words.

"Is my brother going to be in the holding cell?" I ask, almost choking on the word brother.

A couple months ago, I was ambushed by my supposed twin brother in the basement of our house during a power outage. He told me everything about himself, and before I could even process all the information, him, my fourteen year old brother Brady, and my then boyfriend Dustin, were on the run when Sam killed an Official.

Long story short, Brady and I were turned into the Officials by my boyfriend and Sam took the fall for us, turning himself in. He was sentenced to execution, and- desperate to save Sam- we asked Kenny- a powerful Unspeakable leader- to help us save him. He agreed, but on the day of the trial he turned on us. Being the decisive person he is, he turned operation saving Sam into a full scale Unspeakable rebellion, and tried to force Sam into killing our parents.

Again, to shorten the story, Brady, Dustin and I managed to get into the Unspeakable's headquarters- the Official building- and find Sam.

But we couldn't save Sam, instead he died saving us.

I can't forgive myself for it, his death is my burden. All he wanted was a family, and it ended up killing him.

"Shut up," the Official growls, snapping me back into reality, "no more questions!"

I roll my eyes, typical Official behavior, thinking you're above everyone else.

I fall silent, and the Officials lead me down the dark hallways, lighting the path with only the beams of their flashlights.

Finally, the Officials stop me, and open a plain door, leading me into a dimly lit room.

A surge of emotions rise in my chest when I see the people in it.

First my eyes fall on Willow, who's glaring at me with instant dislike. Then I spot Gavin, who's sitting by himself, staring down at his hands. He doesn't look like the boy who gleefully killed a Leader just a day or so ago. Next I see Brady. He's grinning, so I return with a smile, we've been through so much together, even being away for a day has made me miss him terribly. Finally I spot Kenny, but immediately I know there's something wrong with him.

He's leaning back against his chair, completely relaxed, and- for once in his life he's not scowling or smirking.

Gavin, Willow, and Kenny are all cuffed with that weird mechanism Sam was wearing on his trial, it must hold back their powers- somehow.

Still cuffed, I take a seat next to Brady, "Hey," I smile.

"Good morning Rachel," he grins, "at least- I think its morning."

It's almost impossible to tell the time here, our cells are windowless, so the only way to get an ideaof when the time is when meals are served.

"How are you?" I ask, even in the dim light I can see the deep circles under his eyes.

He sighs, "Well considering the circumstances- I guess I'm alright."

I nod, how are we supposed to feel? Our parents were almost murdered, our brother was murdered, and we're in jail.

Kenny laughs out loud, "Why is it so dark?" he asks airily, "Willow you should-,"

"Shut up Kenny!" Willow growls fiercely.

Kenny turns to an Official, "Why's she so mad at me?" he whispers.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Brady.

Brady bites his lip, "I think the Official's drugged him, I don't know- gave him a muscle relaxer or something- they carried him into the room."

I stare at Kenny, "But why?"

"Well duh Rachel," Brady answers, "he's got information on the Unspeakables."

I wrinkle my brow, "But then why won't they interview Willow and Gavin?"

This seems to stump Brady too, "I don't know- maybe they don't know as much?"

I glance over at Willow and Gavin; both of them are sitting in silence, complete opposites of who they were just a day ago.

"What happens when Kenny spills where the Unspeakables are hiding out?" I whisper.

Brady stares at me, "Well first they'll probably invade and kill every Unspeakable there, and then kill Kenny- because he's no longer useful."

I bite my lip, "All those kids," I murmur.

Brady sighs, "We're stuck Rachel, completely and utterly powerless against the Officials."

Suddenly the lights switch on, momentarily blinding everyone in the room.

"Attention all Officials," a female voice blares over the intercom, "please take all prisoners back to their cells and report to the west wing of the compound. Prison duties will be carried out by Monitors, thank you."

I hear mumbles of anger from the Officials, "Where are we going now?" Kenny slurs as an Official picks him up as if he weighs nothing.

"Home," the Official answers, "oh wait- you don't have one."

His buddies laugh, while Kenny looks confused.

"That's not funny," Willow growls, "and you better stop drugging him if you know what's good for you. Kenny's not going to give out information unless it's on his own free will."

"Okay," an Official by Willow snorts, shoving her forward, "now shut up and move doll face."

"You leave her alone!" Gavin shouts, shooting to his feet.

Immediately Officials are holding him back, but he makes no advances to move forward, he just glares.

With this tiny distraction from Gavin, Willow is able to slip away from the Official holding her back for one second, and she comes right up to me.

"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes after you get back to your cell, there's something I need to share with you," she says rapidly fast and quietly.

And then she's gone, being shoved down the hallway by the Officials.

"What did she say?" Brady asks, wide-eyed as Officials start to push him out the door.

I shake my head, "Nothing, just an insult."

My Officials lead me down the hall while I mull over what Willow whispered.

Why on earth would she want to talk to me?

She must know I despise her, I mean- I broke several of her ribs.

I'll go, to see what she wants, but not for her, because my promise of revenge for Sam's death is still fresh in my mind.

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