Character info and Ch.1 Family Again

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Name Lamar Kansas ( or whatever you want)
Age 19
Height 6'4 with a Muscular build and you're a darkskin
( Also the story will be changed a little bit so if you don't like that then idk what to tell you)

Name Lamar Kansas ( or whatever you want)Age 19Height 6'4 with a Muscular build and you're a darkskin ( Also the story will be changed a little bit so if you don't like that then idk what to tell you)Outfit

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Your Pov
Im walking in the woods looking for Lilly and Able because they were supposed to be back a while ago....
Lamar: ughhh.. where are they?
Lilly: He'll just weigh you down Clementine
Abel: Can we just hurry this shit up Lamar is probably looking for us
Lilly: He'll have to wait
Lamar: I'm already here so wtf is going on
You see a girl with a hat on the ground and Able holding a little boy's arm behind his back ready to snap at any moment.... Suddenly an arrow flies that you dodge completely
Lamar: we got company
Lilly: Shit! They're getting away
Able: We don't have time for them we have to move.! We'll deal with them when we attack the school
Lilly: Right.. let's move

Timeskip 2 months (I forgot the actual amount if time they had to prepare)

Clem's Pov
I'm worried about what's going to happen with the Raiders.....
Aj: Clem what do you think about that one guy he's who I'm worried about.... I know we can deal with the rest but something tells me that he's different from them
Mitch: don't worry kid he won't do shit.
Aj: He dodged Violet's arrow without looking at it!! He's not normal
Louis: ( Looks down) guys..... I have a confession to make
Everyone turns to Louis and listens
Louis: I know that guy Aj is talking about..... He's... He's my brother
Everyone is taken back by to this
Clem: I'm so sorry Louis
Louis: I don't think he'll remember me
Clem: I'm sure he will
Violet: One thing I noticed is that there was some sort of collar on him.... Maybe they're restraining him from something
Clem: Then we'll have to try and get it off him somehow
Timeskip to the raid

Lamar Pov

Lilly: COME ON OUT CLEMENTINE. Give us our new recruits
Clem: You'll never take them
She peeks out and shoots an arrow
Lilly: You missed
Clem: (smirks) I wasn't aiming at you
Lilly looks around and sees electrical sparks she realizes she hit the collar that was controlling you
Abel: We gotta kill him!
Lilly: soldiers kill Lamar and whoever else you have to
About 30 of the soldiers charge you but are instantly killed in a blink of an eye...
Clem: He killed them all in an  instant... ( She thinks to herself) maybe we could ask him to join us
While everyone is fighting Clem realizes that Violet and Louis are struggling with Raiders. She looks over and sees Lamar staring at the one fighting Louis his eyes start to glow red and looks over at her and points at Violet... Clem realizes what he means and instantly helps Violet while Lamar charges the one fighting Louis..
Louis Pov
I'm fighting with one of the soldiers when someone stabs them in the head killing them instantly...I look up and see a hand reaching out to help me
???: Hey dreadhead miss me
Instantly get up and hug them
Louis: I missed you so much Lamar!!
Lamar: I know little brother
Mitch: I hate to break up the reunion but he's with Delta
Violet: Calm down Lou
Clem: Lamar right?
Lamar: that's me you must be Clementine
Clem: yeah but just call me Clem anyways I need to ask you some questions
Lamar: Ok...
Clem: okay.. why were you with Delta
Lamar: ..... (Sigh) I was manipulated they said they would help me find Louis but instead made me a test subject for a super soldier
Mitch: I don't believe it
Ruby: what can you do sug?
Lamar: I have insane speed, strength, and reflexes.. I have night vision and have an increased healing factor... Then there's my beserk side that only happens when someone I care about gets hurt finally I can create fire and electricity from my body
Clem: wow.. ok where were you from before Delta
Lamar: I was in Richmond.... We were hunting it was Gabe, his girlfriend Tiers and Me.. I was holding off walkers and told them to run that's when I was captured by Delta
Clem: You said Richmond.... Is Javi and Kate alright
Lamar: Yeah they're great.. I was actually going to head back there if you guys want to come
Mitch: listen here bitch we're not going anywhere we don't trust you Delta scum
Lamar: I'ma need you to take 3 steps back before you get hit with a 5 piece extra crispy with a side of fries and a biscuit... No sauce
Violet bursts out laughing and Clem let's out a cute giggle
Mitch: I'll show you
He charges you and goes for a right hook to your face .
You dodge easily and counter with a blow right to his stomach making him fall to the ground
Lamar: It wasn't a 5 piece but it'll do
Mitch: I'm not done yet-
Clem: STOP NOW!!
Mitch: I don't trust him
Clem: Idc if you don't the rest of us do anyways Lamar we'd love to go back with you but we can start moving in the morning how about we all get some sleep you can bunk with Louis
Lamar: sure thing short stuff
Louis: dude you fucked up
Lamar: wdym
Clem: (grabs the collar of his shirt)
Say that shit again and I'll end you
Lamar: (devilish smirk) try me.... Shorty
She let's go and walks off with Aj blushing
Aj: Clem why is your face red
Clem: I- what my face isn't red
Aj: it is I'm gonna get Ruby
Ruby comes back with Aj and just smirks
Ruby: Hey Aj let me talk to Clem alone
Violet: I wanna hear this too
Aj:alright I'll be with Tenn
Ruby: now that it's only girls here... Clem you like him
Clem:N-No I don't
Violet: You're stuttering says it all
Clem: So what if I do
Violet: We'll get you with him don't worry
With that they all go to bed and wait for the next day... A/Nforgot to Mention Lilly and Able were 2 of the 30 people who charged Lamar so they're dead and Minerva was already at the school she slept through it all 😂😂

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