Returning to Richmond

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Lamar Pov

I wake uo and see my brother Louis sleeping so I decided to leave him alone. I get up and stretch while cracking my neck and back.
Lamar: Damn.... Haven't done that in a while.... Then again I guess I haven't slept since the whole Delta capture shit.... I should go test out my abilities see if I still got it
I get dressed in the an outfit that I gave Louis that he never wore. Guess he wanted to remember me somehow(shakes head while smiling)

(That's the outfit btw)

I walk out to the courtyard and see it's still pretty dark out so I go outside the school and go into the forest
Lamar: well let's try out that strength
I punch the tree closest to me and punch it right off it's stump
Lamar:Damn me I didn't know I had it in me(I chuckle to myself)
I hear groans coming from my left I instinctively grab my swords

(Those are the swords)

Lamar: Come at me fuckers
I'm killing walkers left and right and then realize it's a horde of them (shit they're going for the school... Gotta speed this up since delta increased my speed guess I gotta try)

2 hours later

Clem Pov
I wake up amd see Aj already up

Clem: Hey there goofball
Aj:Clem!!!!! I'm to old for goofball
Clem: I know but you'll always be my goofball
Aj:I know
Clem: We sholuld get ready Aj
Aj:Everybody is up but we can't find Lamar
I get a worried look on my face and immediately get dressed and rush out the courtyard and see everyone there looking at the gate eyeing a bloody Lamar
Louis:Are you alright man
Mitch:(mumbles) probably bit
Louis:Got something you want to say
Mitch:As a matter of fact I-
Lamar:Follow me if you don't believe me some of you should stay back though to pack up everything
Clem: I'll come with you so will Aj the rest of you pack everything up
Lamar:Louis you come with as well can't have you fighting
Lamar:(sighs) sorry for yelling Lou
Louis:It's alright don't worry about it
We set out to see what Lamar did (I need to confess)
Clem: Hey Louis can you and Aj walk ahead for a second
Aj and Louis:sure Clem
They walk ahead and now it's time
Clem:Hey Lamar
Lamar:Yeah short stuff what's up
Clem: Why do you keep making fun of my height
Lamar:Because it's adorable seeing you upset and well cuz I guess when I first saw you I fell in love with you
Clem: (blushes) I think I'm in love with you
Lamar:You think or you know
Clem:(giggles) I know I am dork
Lamar:(kisses her forehead) Love you shorty
Clem:Love you too
????: where is your group
Louis:we're alone
????:bullshit and you know it
Lamar:what's going on.... Gabe?
Gabe:Lamar!Clementine! Are they with you?
Lamar:Yeah that's my brother and Aj
Gabe:My bad man been really cautious after losing you
Lamar:No need to worry also Luke wassup
Luke:Hey Lamar..... Clem
Lamar:Let's save the waterworks for later we should get back tonthe school
Luke: y'all not comimg back to Richmind
Lamar:I'm bringing them back to the community
Gabe:How about we help out and go back together
Lamar:sounds good
Luke:Also?The walkers was that you.....
Gabe:You're a super soldier of some kind!!
Lamar:(chuckles) I guess so
Clem: He's my super soldier
Lamar:(blushes)...... I unmm... Yeah
Everyone laughs
Gabe: Let's get back to the school and get ready for the return of Lamar and Clementine

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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