7. A Glimpse Of the Future

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Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.

Just to clarify, gratitude is not the same as indebtedness.

While both emotions occur following help, indebtedness occurs when a person perceives that they are under an obligation to make some repayment of compensation for the aid. The emotions lead to different actions; indebtedness can motivate the recipient of the aid to avoid the person who has helped them, whereas gratitude can motivate the recipient to seek out their benefactor and to improve their relationship with them.

As the grate Marcus Tullius Cicero once said "Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others."

However on a certain day, a certain group of people finds Gratitude synonymous to the word Pain. Another day similar to the dreaded day of hearts and diabetes is just less than a days away, and its centerpiece is to answer the love that was given during February 14... This day is called White Day, the day where men expresses their gratitude to a woman's heart felt expression of love.

And as you'd expect from Shiro, Zayd and David, they curse this day simply because it exists.

"This day... is painful..." said Shiro as he forcefully moved his zombie like body with sheer willpower alone

"Amen..." David replies as he zombie walks behind Shiro.

"Shut it... You're making me more miserable..." said Zayd who was also zombie walking ahead of Shiro.

"Sorry..." Shiro apologizes

"... No prob..." replied Zayd.

"... You know, I'm having a sense of Deja vu here" said David

""Yeah me too"" Shiro and Zayd replies.

Ah yes... Such is the life of people whom either love or luck has completely abandoned. They can only grit their teeth and watch with envy as those love birds do their enviable lovey dovey business.

"Then again, it's kind of my fault that I'm so damn unlucky when it comes to romcom encounters as of late" Thought Shiro as he wills himself to move towards the breading ground of romcoms... School

It has only been 4 days since the Great Cafeteria War, so it's no surprise that the carnage that Shiro brought down on Hasegawa Miki is still very fresh on peoples minds. Not a lot of the people in this world has witnessed the level of violence that rivals what Shiro did to Miki, so it's no surprise that Shiro effectively made himself a terrifying existence.

At the moment, Hasegawa Miki is currently a temporary resident of Moon Cell Hospital's ICU. Its actually a miracle she survived. Any normal heroic spirit would be very much dead if they took the UBW's full force head on. Being undead has its perks.

Based on what little info Emiya Kiritsugu was willing to provide, Hasegawa Miki is a distant relative that Shiro has unintentionally conquered. While his father refused to reveal any details to Shiro, he did reveal one very crucial information...

Hasegawa Miki is a Yandere

"Thank you Captain Obvious! I surely didn't realize that when she CLEAVED ME IN HALF!... *sigh*"


Yandere is a portmanteau of two Japanese words yanderu, meaning to be sick, and deredere, which is defined as strongly and deeply exhausted, infatuated, moonstruck, head-over-heels, or lovestruck, but in this case used for "lovestruck."

The word was developed from tsundere which describes a character who is both hard-nosed or moody tsuntsun and the aforementioned lovestruck. The sick portion was added when a new layer of romantic obsession came about beyond normal tsundere (where cool emotions were warmed and nurtured towards awkward, romantic or sexualized tension) where seemingly normal displays of strong and deep romantic love and affection become mentally dilapidated (i.e. kidnapping crushes, poisoning food that is to be eaten by a romantic rival, or forcing the romantic love interest to commit lovers suicide)

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