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Chapter 27

Zali's pov

We drove back to the house the streets were almost silent and the stars clearly visible the dark sky. It was quite a beautiful night and the moon was slim but still beautiful and shining.

My intentions were to stay at the hospital but the nurses, getting to the point, kicked us out. There was a lot of 'discussing' but we ended up going home after all.

I was scared for my mum, hell, I was terrified. My dad has always done pretty extreme thing but never in my lifetime had he gone this far. I swear on my life he has done drugs many times before. It's just not him. The saddest part is that I still remember the good old dad I had when I was younger. He would always be happy and joke around. And that's who my mother fell in love with and she's still here and she's watched him change fay by day. Only to get worse and worse. He was my protector. But that didn't work because he could never protect me from himself. I do know he tried he did leave many times but he came back because he would have done drugs and drink and he couldn't control himself. And it was all because he couldn't handle it after Lily passed away. I hated him with almost if my heart but there was a very small part of me that just... felt sorry for him. Another man took over him and he was just never the same. I can see the old him in his eyes and that's always scared me. The fact that the old him would do anything like that to me. Because I could never ever give in to believe that they were the same person.

The gentle touch brought me back out of my thoughts as Harry's hand gripped onto my hand and entwined our fingers.

I smiled at him, and no words could explain how thankful I was for Harry to always stick by my side since the day we met. He always made me feel more safe and protected. He was kind of my new protector I guess.

His car smoothly pulled into my driveway following Chelsea's car right up to the end of the driveway.

His thumb grazed over the top of my hand and our hands pulled away as we parted to exit the car. The car doors closed and Harry followed me inside the house as our hands reconnected. I figured he was staying the night and I'm sure Chelsea wouldn't mind Harry being here at all. She's always liked Harry from the first day she met him and she won't stop teasing me about him. It got on my nerves sometimes but it was funny how much she was bothering be about it.

"Goodnight lovelies." Chelsea said as she walked right up to us giving both Harry and I hugs. I hugged her tight and I know she was just as afraid as I was. I gave her a comforting smile to try and make her feel a bit better even though I had no confidence in my smile at all.

Harry and I slowly made our way up to my bedroom taking cautious steps through the pitch black hall. We passed Jack and Issy's rooms the small snores the only sound I could hear other than my beating heart and heavy breathing.

We safely made it to my room and I turned my lamp on which sat beside my bed on top of a small bedside table. The light spread across the room making it much easier to see my surroundings.

In a few minutes, I was changed and I had brushed my teeth and I was settling into my bed next to where Harry already laid.

I left the lamp on and turned over to face Harry as he was already facing me.

He gives me a smile as half of it is hidden in the pillow. I give a weak smile back. He takes ahold of my hand and runs his thumb across the top of my hand.

"I'm so scared." I whisper to him looking into his emerald eyes.

He brings my hand up to his mouth and leaves a gentle kiss onto the skin there. He pulls my hand back down to where it was resting before and continues caressing my hand with his thumb.

"I'll do anything to make sure you'll be okay." He whispers moving his gaze from our entwined hands to my worried eyes.

I wanted to smile to thank him but I couldn't find it in me to smile at this moment.

"Your so beautiful." He whispers as he strokes my hair and slowly moves to my cheek which heats up by his compliment.

"I love you." I reply quietly.

He smiles which makes me feel better and he leans in and carefully places his soft lips onto mine. I smile slightly with his warm lips pressed to mine and it feels just like the first time we kissed in the park. His hand still rests on my cheek as he continues to stroke my cheek ever so gently. We slowly pull away and I fall asleep with one of Harry's strong arms wrapped around my waist as his fingers from the other runs his fingers through my hair.

Harry's pov

I woke up in the middle of the night. I stretched out my arm searching for Zali but no body was there laying next to me. I blink a couple of times rubbing my eyes afterwards looking again for Zali.

I suddenly hear sobs and desperate screams scaring me as I quickly sat up. My breathing picked up and the scream didn't leave my mind and it returned again and it kept repeating. It was the kind of scream you would hear in a horror movie but this scared me even more because I knew the voice. I can hear the shower running and I bolt up out of the bed and run to the bathroom as fast as I can fearing what I will find.

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