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Chapter 22

Zali's pov

"I think I feel something." Harry repeats not really answering my question but more talking to himself.

I look at him with a confused expression on my face and bite on my bottom lip. I release my lip from in between my teeth and I open my mouth to ask him a question, " What do you feel?"


My mouth falls open and I stay quiet for a moment. Harry lifts his his head up from his slouching position and pushes his hair out of his face and turns his head to face me.

"I love you."

My mouth opens and shuts but no words seem to come out. I look at Harry to double check this isn't some sick joke. But I can see it in his eyes he isn't lying. I look down at my hands and I find them shaking. This is so strange and I don't know what to do. This has never happened before. But I love him too and I don't know how to say it.

"Please say something." Harry whispers. His breathing is steady and it hits my face and covers my skin in warmth.

"I-I love you too."

His worried and hopeful face turns completely opposite in the matter of seconds and his smile shows off his perfect teeth.

His eyes are shining from reflection of the street lights and the emerald circles seem to amaze me every time I look into them. They are so deep so beautiful. They are like a beautiful deep green ocean however the closer you look, the deeper you look. There is no end. His emotions are like the waves in his oceans the big, fierce ones tumbling past when he is angry to the smooth and calm, very flowing and free when he is relaxed or even happy.

My eyes seem to zoom out of my own little world in Harry's eyes when they look away and travel down my face.

"I've been holding this back for a while but here it goes." His words came out quickly yet he remained calm and settled but before I had a chance to say anything he seemed to fall towards me but landing his lips perfectly onto mine. My eyes stayed open in shock but soon seemed heavy and gently fluttered close. As if deep sleep had taken over my body but I was completely aware if what was happening even though it was hard to believe.

His lips were soft and gentle and I felt like I was in a dream, afraid to wake up in the best part. I felt like I was floating above the clouds and everything else in the world, everything that was happening in my life. It didn't matter. It disappeared.

Our lips moved in sync and fireworks felt like they were going off in my tummy. Or like a bubble mixture that was bubbling over and after a few seconds of floating bubbles they would just suddenly pop. And burst into specs and settle down again only for the process too continue.

Our lips slowly separate and our eyelids open again coming back to reality. Just like waking up from a dream, but it was real.

"I really do love you." Harry states wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him and I automatically cuddle into his chest enjoying the moment.

"And I am so sorry what has happened." He says referring to my past.

"It is ok, it really isn't something to apologise for. It's over now. And your right, I can't let it destroy my future."

"Very good." He nods his head and rests his chin on top of my head.

"I'm sorry if I seemed like I was blocking you out or just hiding stuff from you." I say honestly because I know thats what I do.

"It's fine. I realised you didn't want to talk about it."


"Hey I was wondering if you would maybe erm like to go out some time?"

I sit up and Harry's arms return to his lap.

"Yeah that would be great." I smile.

"Okay." His cheeky grin appears with his dimples.

"We should probably head back now."

"Your right, let's go."

"Don't want them to think we got kidnapped and raped."


"Shhhh." I say holding my finger up in front of his face.

Harry chuckles as we both stand up and slowly walk back down the familiar path we walked down not too long ago.

"Oh my god they have swings! How did I not see them before!" I scream at the too of my lungs before bolting for the play ground.

I hear Harry laughing from behind me but I just smile and hold back my own laughs as I continue to sprint to my destination.

As I come closer to the swings my arms fling up from my sides and come up in front of me towards the swing.

"Yes." I say to myself and the swings chain come in contact with the palm of my hand. I pull it closer to me and turn around carefully taking a seat and making sure I land on the seat and not the ground. It has happened too many times already.

I push back with my feet and swing back and forth with my legs swinging in time with the swing. I lean back as I go up and point my toes to the sky and my head down, facing the ground.

I giggle to myself as Harry approaches sitting beside me on the other swing.

" Having fun?" Harry laughs.

"Heaps!" I say going almost completely upside down again, " you should try it!" I add.

Harry starts to swing beside me, going up and down at the same time.

I begin to laugh in hysterics at Harry coming back up with his hair completely covering his face.

"How do I look?" Harry asks stroking his mighty fine hair-do.


"Great, thats what I was hoping for." He says flipping his hair.

"Yeah, you should totally rock up to school like that. You would be like everyones new fashion icon with the fabulous hair."

"I should!" He laughs.

My phone starts to ring in my pocket as I continue to swing. Thank god these pockets have zippers other wise it wouldn't be me falling on the ground this time but my phone.

I stop swinging my legs so roughly and begin to swing more gently as I try to squeeze my phone out of my jeans.

"Hello." I answer once I manage to grab out my phone.

"Oh hi, it's just me." Chelsea speaks through the other end of the phone.

I start to swing my legs again holding on tight to the chain with one hand and holding tight onto my phone on the other.

"Are you okay, I was just checking where you were because you are a bit longer than I had expected."

"Oh sorry, we 'were' heading back,"I say dragging out the 'were', "but then we found some swings so you know we got a bit excited."

"You got a little more than a bit excited." Harry says which makes Chelsea laugh.

"I see, well don't be too much longer."

"Okay see- wow," I almost yell as I nearly slipped off of the swing going up and nearly dropping my phone.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks as Chelsea laughs.

I nod at Harry giving him a warm smile.

"Serves you right for talking on the phone and swinging at the same time." Chelsea chuckles.

"Yeah whatever, as I was saying, I will see you soon."

"Okay we wont be too long."

"Bye." Chelsea says and I just hang up.


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