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Nom knew roughly where Onu's camp was, though they would have to deviate from the main path at a town up ahead. Truthfully that was a welcome thought, since the path was disused and not very pleasant. It was high in the hills and increasingly rocky, every step a different angle, waiting to twist a leg.

While Dev kept an eye out for game with his bow, Ahden carried Dev's pack. It didn't look as big on the tall man, though Nom could tell it was a greater load than he was used to.

"How much farther on this road?" Ahden panted. They paused to rest and drink water. "And when are you going to catch anything, Dev?"

"Well, we're making an awful racket clacking around on these rocks. Probably scares anything away," Dev responded.

"There's a lost place up ahead," Nom said. "We leave the path there."

"Is such a place dangerous?" asked Omega.

Nom took off his cloak to cool himself down. "Undoubtedly," he said. He poked his finger through a hole in the cloak and wiggled it on the other side, frowning. "Elocant was dangerous for us, and this town, Luxenta, is far more steeped in darklight. One cannot predict what to expect in a lost place, should one be so unlucky as to stumble into one."

"And we're going there on purpose. Cheerful thought," said Dev.

Nom threw his cloak back on, fished around in his pack and pulled out his spear-head, then attached it to his staff.

"Not making me feel better, Nōm," said Dev.

"Nor I. I suggest you lift Ahden's burden."

Ahden gladly relinquished the great pack and handed his sword to Omega, taking up the bow.

They started off again, Ahden in the lead. Their steps continued to break the silence of the light forest, and Nom was about to suggest Omega try to mask their footfalls when Ahden whispered, "ssst," eliciting silence from them all. He readied tension on his bow. They could hear the birds chirping, insects droning, and a brook somewhere nearby. Ahden bobbed his head and softly side-stepped one leg over the other, trying to peer into the brush. He stood there staring for a long minute while the others grew anxious.

"Nōm," Ahden softly beckoned. Nom padded forward behind Ahden, standing on his tiptoes to align his view with the big man's. He was startled to see another man staring back at them. Nom unconsciously took a step back and tripped over the uneven rocks, flailing and falling onto his side, grunting in pain. Ahden half drew the bow, and Nom heard a thumping clang when Omega let Ahden's sword drop to free her hands, but the man in the brush took no action.

"What is it," hissed Dev, "a deer? Some sort of bear?"

"A man," said Ahden, "maybe one of those dessicated."

"So—not dinner," said Dev, disappointed.

"Greetings," said Ahden more loudly to the unknown man. "We are just passing through. My name is Ahden."

The man stepped out of sight, and they could hear his movements parallel to the path. Nom propped up his spear and pulled himself to standing. The man stepped slightly out of the brush near Omega, and they all pivoted to guard against attack.

The unkempt man was dressed in crudely sewn leathers, stained red with berries or some other simple ingredient. He wore rough, open fronted eyewear made of twisted metal, a weird simulacrum of what seers wore. He was adorned with similarly odd items, including broken or mangled seer goggles. He carried no weapon. While he seemed cognizant of them all, he focused his attention and curiosity on Omega. He sat down cross-legged at the side of the path, and formed circles with his thumbs and forefingers, then connected his hands together by all his fingertips and rested his elbows on his knees. Based on the man's appearance and behavior, Nom guessed the gesture was meant to resemble seer goggles and maybe some sort of darklight.

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