{C2} Dork

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        The bell rang for next period. Saya stood up immediately, grabbing hold of the back of Blake's hoodie as she grabbed her things. Blake stood up, Saya's hand all the way up in the air as she still held onto his hood. He knelt down, Saya climbing on his back. They were quite idiots, and liked to carry each other to the locker. Well, Blake always carries Saya. She tried to carry him-- or lift him up once. It didn't work out well, for she couldnt get him an inch off the ground. Blake carried her to their shared locker as she held onto her stuff with one hand and had one hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Saya?" "Yeah?" "How come you don't ever want to do sexual things?" He suddenly asked, for he had always wondered.

        Saya blinked, a dull look. "Sex is gross and I'm like you." She out emphasis on the word you, Blake already knowing he means virginity wise. He had lost his virginity long ago, around age 15. She stll hasn't had her first kiss yet. He snickered, leaning his head back to brush it against her face. "You're so innocent, it's quite unrealistic." He told her. She pouted, sighing deeply. "I don't caree." She bit the inside of her cheek, wondering why he asked that question suddenly, and out of nowhere. She shrugged it off as he dropped her down, both of them putting their stuff in. Saya slipped in front of him so they're both able to get their stuff at the same time. They shut the locker. 

        "I'ma head to my next class." Saya told him, waving as she ran off to her History class. Blake nodded, turning the opposite direction towards Math class.



The kids all rushed out of their classrooms, going to put their stuff away for Lunch. Blake made it to the locker first, putting his things in. He leaned against the locker, waiting for Saya. She eventually showed up a couple minutes after the bell rang, putting her stuff in as he shut it closed with his elbow. He knelt down and she climbed on his back again. She hummed, swaying back and forth. "Oi, Saya.. You'll fall off like that." He said, being cautious. She just nodded and mumbled words to herself as they both got to the lunchroom.

        Blake had made a deal with Saya for him to sit at his table during lunch for one time. And today was the day they had decided. Saya jumped off his back and followed him to his table.

        She sat down next to him, looking around the table cautiously. The table was full of boys and she was the only girl. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously and sunk down in her seat. It was only moments later that one of the boys looked at her.

        "Ohh, is that the virgin?" He said, leaning over the table and going in her face. She scrunched her nose, leaning back. "I have a name." She said boldly, but not feeling very brave. "Oh, feisty are we?" He teased, leaning closer. Saya pushed his face back with the back of her hand, shaking her head. "Stop that." She muttered. "Cmon Sayaaaa, Lighten up." Blake said, putting his head on her shoulder once more. Saya shook him off. "I'd rather not." 

        Another boy spoke up right after. "This is why no guy wants to date you, Saya-san~ You're too uptight! Also why you're a virgin." He put emphasis on virgin, as if it was a bad thing to be one.

        Something inside Saya snapped. She stood up, her head down as she let hair fall in front of her face. She stood up, walking around the table. She raised a fist, slamming it into the boy's stomach. She then leaned over the table and backhanded Blake, holding a menacing glare at him before stalking off, out of the lunchroom. She decided she didn't need to eat today, she didn't need to.

        She walked towards the bathrooms, kicking open the door. She looked in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection. She frowned. She wore no makeup, because she felt like she didn't need it. She didn't want to impress anyone with it. But now, as she looks at herself in the mirror, she felt like she needed makeup at this point. This is why no guy wants to date you, Saya-san. What the boy said echoed in her head. She shook her head a couple times. You're too uptight! It rang agian. She frowned and looked at herself again. Also why you're a virgin. She turned on the water and splashed cold water on her face. She looked up at her reflection once more. She sighed, grabbing paper towels and wiping her wet face. She threw them away and walked out of the bathroom. She realized lunch was still going on. Of course. She walked to the locker, wanting to get her stuff early so she didnt have to run into Blake later. She opened the locker and grabbed her things for Math, shutting the locker. "I need fresh air.." Saya muttered, walking out to the front doors. She looked around for any sign of the teachers who usually roam the halls. She was lucky to find none. "Most likely in the staff room." She mumbled, opening the doors. 

        Saya breathed in the fresh air, smiling. "This is what I needed." She looked down towards the steps to find a bruised Blake, sitting and staring forward. He heard the doors open and turned around, seeing Saya. His eyes widened before he stood up and turned towards her. "Saya, I-" She walked over to him and slapped her hand over his mouth before he could finish. "I won't be a little goody-two-shoes anymore. Trust me on that." She uncovered his mouth and grabbed hold of his shirt, pulling him down and instead of covering his mouth with his hand, she replaced it with her lips. She stood there for a good 20 seconds, pulling back and walking with her hand in her pocket and holding her math things in the other. Blake stood there, face as red as a ripe tomato, wide-eyed. She had left him in shock.

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