You'll Be Safer Here...

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Requested by EmirisRose!

*Offers punching bags and tissues*

Warning: This contains abuse and strong language, reader discretion is advised. You have been warned.


"Shut the hell up, you useless piece of shit!" The dark-haired man yelled as he tossed the empty bottle of liquor at the wall, shattering it on impact. Casey Jones barely flinched at this.

He was used to it all now. The drinking, the yelling, the beatings he'd get sometimes...Casey had suffered through if for years, ever since his mother left when he was 6 years old.


"Mommy, mommy!" Young Casey ran up to his mother, then paused with a cautious frown. She was fighting with his dad again. They'd been doing that a lot lately. Casey was a little scared.

"You can't tell me what to do!" The woman yelled, both parents ignoring the child in front of them. "Shut your mouth! And you, go away, you brat!" The man hollered at poor Casey.

Casey's dark brown eyes filled with tears as he ran to his room. The shouting escalated for what seemed like hours. Then, a door slammed. Casey never saw his mother again...

Flashback over:

For as long as he could remember, Casey's parents never got along very well. They were always fighting and drinking. Then, after a huge fight, Casey's mother left. She never came back. Casey never saw her again.

Shortly after that, Casey's father, Dave, turned to alcohol. He never spent any time with Casey or took care of him. Instead, he'd abuse Casey and fight with him all the time.

Casey had grown used to it after a while. But that didn't mean it hurt any less, both physically and emotionally. He'd never told anyone. He thought he could handle it himself.

Now, here he was...arguing with his father with a black eye and blood running down a cut on his left cheek where a shard of glass from the bottle had flown, embedding itself into Casey's pale skin, slicing it deep.

"Another failed test?! You're a failure! You're no son of mine! You'll never do anything great in life you pathetic excuse for a son!" Dave snapped, slurring his words. He was drunk.

He was always drunk and Casey was sick of it. He'd put up with it for years. The yelling, the pain, the drinking...he was done. Casey was tired of his father pushing him around. He growled a little under his breath.

"Shut up! You don't even care about me, you've always got your damn face in a bottle of booze, you're a bitch!" Casey spat, smirking a little bit as he watched his father's face redden.

Casey was always fighting with his father. The last time they'd had one as bad as this, Casey ended up with a foot to his face and his front teeth broken and cracked from the blow.

That's right. Casey didn't get his messed up teeth from a hockey game gone wrong like he'd told everyone, he'd gotten it from his father during a heated argument three years ago.

"Shut up, you brat!" Dave slammed his fist against Casey's nose, hearing a loud crack as blood squirted from Casey's nose, staining his shirt. Casey growled and left the house. He didn't need to shed anymore blood tonight.

Casey walked to the lair of the turtles, then froze. They'd ask questions if they saw him looking like a train wreck. He thought to himself, Whatever, I'll just say I got into a fight, it's not exactly a lie...Casey decided.

Sanctuary (Oneshot!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें