Why am i so sad

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Why am I so sad?
Why does the sky look grey,
And the clouds look dark?
Why is my soul on fire
But my heart is frozen?

Why am I so sad,
When I know I want for nothing.
I have food, a bed and clothes,
And yet the smiles don't come out.
Why am I like this?

Is there something wrong with being sad?
Am I wrong for crying,
Even when it was a good day?
Am I unnatural for weeping
When I know I am loved?

Is it wrong for me to feel this way?
To feel like crying after every little thing?
To know you are just very unhappy?
Do I owe it to my mother,
To show her that I'm happy?

Do I owe it to my sister,
To show her I'm not sad?
Do I owe it to my brother,
To show him I'm okay?
But what if I'm not okay?

What if for no reason I am not simply okay?
What if I want to cry alone,
And speak to myself
About troubling things
That are out of my control.

Why am I so sad,
When I try to avoid such thoughts,
About nonexistent popularity,
And fake friends,
And terrible people.

Maybe I'm bound to be sad,
Although I try to be happy.
Maybe it's out of my control
To decide if I'm okay.
Because maybe it's okay, to not be okay.

Maybe it's okay that I'm so sad,
For no particular reason.
Maybe it's okay that I cry all alone,
Even after having a good day.
Maybe I'm okay.

Sadness is essential for the return of happiness.
It comes and goes,
Never stays too long,
And that's alright.

When you feel sad,
Take a nap, and cry it out.
Get back up in the morning,
And face the new day.
It will be alright.

I know I am sad.
It's part of who I am.
But happiness has a spot in me as well.
It will not be pushed around,
And it won't be pushed away.

Find your happiness,
And cling to it like it'll disappear.
Love it, and nurture it.
It's good for you,
And good for your soul.

So go ahead and be sad.
Just remember, that happiness
Is just around the corner.
It's waiting for the perfect moment
To jump out and reveal itself.

You simply have to be willing to let it be revealed.

Thanks for readying my poem. I guess I'm just down in the dumps today. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a good day.

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