ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕍

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Denki only felt pain, sickness, and more pain, but his mind couldn't register what was truly happening to himself or his surroundings. His equilibrium was tarnished, he was incredibly dizzy, and the ache he felt branching out from his back left a droning, high-pitched ring in his ears.

His very being was numb, and all feeling in his body seemed to have been relinquished, that not even pain had made itself known to him at the moment. Questions flew through his brain in an instant, though he was certain the intense lightheadedness he was experiencing wasn't entirely from that alone.

With little strength, Denki attempted to budge his dead fingers. He needed reassurance that he wasn't paralyzed from his fight. Was that what he would call it? It wasn't much of a fight to be quite honest. He was mowed down without much issue, his senses unable to keep up with the irregular movements of his assailant.

Denki focused his mind back on moving his appendages; he needed to move. C'mon fingers, move you stupids. He switched to his toes, but it resulted in the same outcome of nothingness. His head was a no-go obviously, and if he couldn't move something as small as a toe or finger, he wouldn't be able to conjure movement in his limbs.

A bright idea finally struck him: his wings. They were big, but they were never difficult to maneuver or manipulate. They acted as an extra hand for the most part, definitely not as demanding as an entire arm or leg.

He tested his luck, but he once again couldn't move anything. Though it seemed as if there were nothing there to even move. Come to think of it, how come he felt no weight from his back, no blanketing of the leathery additions, as they lay slack?

The dragon's heart began to pump, newfound adrenaline forcing itself through his system like an uncontrollable wildfire. The feeling began to erupt through him again, but oh how he wished it hadn't.

Mobility was once again returning to his body, but the searing pain from his back erupted throughout him. Denki twitched his fingers, his hands, his arms, until finally, he was able to reach behind him and feel for his wings. The wings that were no longer there.

His hand returned to the ground, but he brought it up to his face only to stare in utter trepidation. His blood had stained them as if he were wearing bright velvety gloves.

The dragon moved his head to look to the other side of himself, and there they were. Laying there, limp and flat, were the severed limbs. The bases held gruesome amounts of nerves and vessels that once connected Denki to them.

All he did was look in horror and pain. His stomach heaved and everything he had eaten throughout the day became one with the jarring stone tiles. It soiled the front of his shirt and met his cheek as he lay face down upon the floor. He could only look, even as a voice called and shouted at him to get up and flee; he couldn't. The world around him began to fade and a small, quiet yelp released itself from the back of his throat.

The world of pain began to be too much, and Denki lost himself to a nightmare-ridden sleep, but not before turning his head once more to look upon the commotion before him. The last thing he saw was Eijirou attempting to run to his aid, but he could never make it. The girl he fought threw a flurry of her blades with spontaneity, forcing him to continually withdraw from his friend.

Eijirou looked towards the unconscious familiar in panic; he couldn't get close enough to grab him and pull him to safety. Katsuki was busy fighting the blue-flamed freak, so his attempts to protect the dragons from the assailants failed.

The prince leaped away from yet another gust of heated wind and flame, narrowly evading the attack. His breath was ragged but the man didn't seem to be the least bit winded, his mana supply seemingly endless. Katsuki cursed under his breath, he was stuck. Sure, the prince was powerful, but he knew when he was reaching his dreaded limits.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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