The Undead is More Alive then Ever

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"Yeah I'm here, by the way shut the hell up, I'm still on the bus" I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"It's not my fault that I'm worried about my friend" Boscha murmured.

"Yeah right, your still coming down next week though right?"

"Sure sure, im bringing my other friend, remember Willow?"

I hummed into the phone and continued to focus on my laptop and my attention soon grew away from the phone call.

"Yeah, she's bringing her girlfriend"

I snapped my head around back to my phone and I frowned.

"Please don't tell me that hot girl at the party is her girlfriend" I pleaded.

"Sorry, Skara is off the market Luz-er" Boscha chuckled.

My bus stopped and I noticed it was my stop.

"Hey Bosch, I need to go now, I'll call later okay?" I said, throwing my laptop in a hurried mannor.

"Wow, fuck you"

"Love you too Boscha, okay I've got to go now!"


I hung up and got out of my seat.

"U-uh, thanks for the drive?" I nervously said to the bus driver.

"No problem, fag", the bus driver smugly said.

I smiled and flipped him off before walking out. I looked straight ahead of me and there was a giant building.

"That must be the apartment building? Bigger than I thought" I said to myself, walking towards it.

Before I entered I took a picture of it and sent it to Boscha.

L. Bro look at this!

After I texted her I pulled my keys out I got earlier that week and opened the door.

As soon as I opened that door a deathly smell crept out into the fresh air. I coughed and noticed it had multiple cracks in the walls.

"How shitty..." I whispered, stepping into the gross building.

I walked up the 5 flights of stairs to the top of the building and found my apartment room. I opened the door and it wasn't all do bad.

One room, one bathroom, and a simple wall to divide the living room and the kitchen.

I dropped my bags on the floor and took a look around. The place wasn't all so bad but there was one thing that stood out.

The floor boards were unbelievably loud.

"At least there's a good thrift store around the corner"

I heard a creek behind me and I turned around but there was nothing. I got chills down my spine and I walked to my bags. I picked them up and I realized I got a text back from Boscha.

B. Wtf man, that's hella creepy

L. Ikr!? My apartment room ain't so bad though. When's the moving van supposed to be here??

B. Um, it was delayed so it'll be there precisely when I arrive there next week

L. Wow, u r an asshole

B. Not my fault broo!

I chuckled and put the phone down. This time I nearly jumped out of my skin because I heard another creek.

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