"That's what you think"

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Killer POV

Boss made us attack Outtertale I hate attacking random AUs I may be a bad guy but I don't see the use of attacking peaceful AUs specially ones in such a beautiful place "KILLER WHAT ARE YOU DOING DON'T JUST WATCH GO KILL THE SANS" god I hate when boss yells at me. Before I can go anywhere the most amazing looking sans comes out if no where and begins yelling at us "YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE LEAVE NOW" the boss orders me to attack him so I begin chasing him.

Nobody's POV

"This fucker is fast" killer growled to himself as outer ran "GET BACK HERE DUMB ASS THE FASTER YOU RUN THE MORE I GET TA TORCHER YA" this made outer stop suddenly and turn to look at killer "wha-" he was cut off from killer crashing into him face first landing a huge cracking the tip of his nose they both fall back in the snow "AH YOU MOTHER FUCKER" killer yelled holding his nose outer seeming to completely forget that killer was chasing him quickly crawled over to him "oh gosh are you okay" "NO MOTHER FUCKER YOU CRACKED MY DAMN NOSE" killer yelled at him. Outer grabbed killers hands and moved them so he could see the crack "come on let me see" outer stares at the crack on killers nose "let me heal it" outer reaches his hand out to killers face but it instantly gets slapped away and outer gets tacked "you're gonna fucking pay for this star boy" outer stares at the crack "it needs healing! It could mess with the bone!" Killer roles his eye lights "oh please" outer growls and over powers killer pinning him to the snow killer struggling with outer on top of him "G-GET OFF DUMB ASS" outer holds a blue bone to killers chest "blue means stop buddy and you know you have 1 hp" killer stops struggling and stares at outer as outer gently places his hand on the crack healing it as killer stares at outer begining to think he's cute getting a good look at him.

Outer POV

I hated to blue him but he had to stay still. As I was healing I couldn't help but look at him he looks so nervous his eye lights keep darting around god he's so cute-NOPE THATS BAD HES BAD.

Nobody's POV

"Sorry for cracking your nose" killer stays silent "look it's not like I want to fight you" outer looks into killers eye lights "you are the one that wants to fight" killer mumbles "that's what you think..."

I'm so bad at this lol but I love this ship and I have see tons of storys so ye hope y'all are ready for some trash (466 words cuz I'm lazy and it's 1:36 AM and I have school in the morning peace)

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