oh god (nsfw sorry continued from last part)

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Outers POV

I bite my lip rubbing my member faster and faster moaning "A-AH KILLER" it's not enough I need more i look in the box i got from lust the note says "I knew you would need it 😏" inside is vibraters and other toys I grab the vibrater and press it against my member and turn it on "A-AH FUUUUuuuck" it feels so good "ah yes killer"

Killers POV

I try to be quiet because I know those ass holes have amazing hearing but I can't it feels so good "mmmAhh outer"

Nobody's POV

Outer humped against the vibrater and soon came "AHHHHHHMMMNN" outer moaned loudly "IS EVERYTHING OKAY BROTHER" outer hurd his brother yell from downstairs "Y-yeah!"
Badguys HQ
Killer rubbed himself faster but unlike outer he wasn't as sensitive so he didn't cum right away "f-fuck come on" killer stroked his eco member fast soon coming into his hand and bed, killer let out a sigh of relief and flopped back onto his bed...."I'm gonna kill that stupid star bitch"

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