y/n was born

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After the day that Aurora got caught cheating she was worried of what she was gonna do with the baby that was coming in the way. Until Y/n was born it was a girl, Aurora dropped a tear when y/n was born because she knew she couldn't take care of her by her own without someone's help and Aurora's mom and dad died two years ago so who could help her if she didn't have kakashi no more ,didn't have her parents or any siblings. That's when Aurora gets out of the hospital and wraps y/n with warm clothes and 4 blankets and puts y/n in a box,she walks around the village to see a spot to put y/n until she found an alley near houses so someone could take y/n and be her guardian. Aurora leaves her and walks away.

A day after y/n got abandoned itachi was walking around the village at night when he walks by an alley and hears a baby crying because of how cold and hungry it was,Itachi tries to walk away and ignore it but it reminded him of how he would take care of sasuke,he then walks to the alley and takes a look at what was inside the box,when he sees what was in the box he carried y/n and took her with him,he tells y/n this "I will protect you and teach you how to survive in this world"

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