An Explanation

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I've always wanted to write this story since I started watching anime in 2020 (yeah I know I'm pretty late) more specifically clannad. There is a whole back story to all of this.

2017 was not a good year for me, some personal issues got so out of hand, that whenever I was coming home, I felt like going into a jail. That year damaged me so much that I literally forgot how to smile, my cheekbones would start shivering whenever I tried to smile. I still haven't got my childhood smile back to this day.

2018 was you could say an okay year. Things were ok in the middle and mostly all of my time went to studies. But 2019 you could say was the year I realized how cruel the world is and at the same time how good it can be. I literally slept only 2-3 hours during my exams and when the results came............
Let's just say if it weren't for my sister and friends, I would have made a decision that I would've later regretted.

These moments were what let me into the nightcore genre of music. I was never a big music listener but time changes a person. 2020 was the year I discovered anime's and fanfics and lets just say, I'm glad I joined this community.

I read about clannad more specifically dango daikazoku, a song in clannad, in a fanfic and then watched the two seasons. During that time, the recent events that happened during the years were causing me to become rebellious and a braty, depressed teenager.

But after watching clannad, I realized how important family is, how great friends are, and how to make most of the moment. Right after that I wanted to write a fanfic about clannad but my writing skills were far from desirable. Reading others works, especially Magnus_Prime made me realize how bad my writing skills are........ (Btw check out their work, I'm sure you'll enjoy it)

But now I think, I'm okay enough to write a clannad fanfic. I want to write about my experience in life, the issues that plague our society because............ I can (that's the beauty of fanfic and anime right?)

Many of you might know about this anime and presumably won't read this book, but I just want to write my heart out in this book  in the anime world that I love the most.

This fanfic won't even compare to what other's have written on Wattpad and other sites, it won't have consistent updates, it will have a lot of grammatic errors (sorry), it might be cringe at some moments.

I'm sorry for ranting about my life but it was necessary for me as this fanfic contains a lot of feelings that I've still bottled up. If you've read this far then I wanna thank you for taking the time to read this.

Have a good time for your whole life everyone!!!!!!!

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