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Minghao never felt nervous in his entire life.

It's not like his nervous system doesn't function properly because if that's the case, that's going to be a huge problem. But that's not the point here.

Minghao never felt this nervous in his whole 17 years of existence. He is a calm, composed, and a confident human being.

But this very first time, he can't help but to feel anxious and perturbed. He cannot understand the fluttery feeling in his stomach that makes him feel nauseous without a sensible reason.

He berates himself for acting this way, it shouldn't be that hard to be a transfer student, right? He can speak and understand Korean pretty well, thanks to his spectacular IQ and tons of Korean dramas that he'd binge watch back in his hometown. And if students won't like him, that's their problem, not his. He can go on with his everyday just by himself. He doesn't need anyone to validate him, thank you very much.

As he walks down the hallway to his supposed room for his first class, which seemed to be at the other side of this ridiculously ginormous campus, he can feel several eyes on him. He looked over his shoulder, and yes, almost every student he passed by is basically eyeing him.

Minghao, suddenly become insecure and somewhat shy for all the attention he wasn't used in getting, un​con​sciously adjust his clothes and wipe his face with the handkerchief he was clutching.

In other instances, he would be annoyed being openly observed like what's happening at the exact moment but the students doesn't seem to be judging in any way, in fact they looked relieved, happy and adoring? Like they are cooing internally at him and at the same time, silently thanking him.

He halted on his tracks as a shorter male stopped in front of him looking incredibly young and gleeful, definitely a freshman.

"Hi, Minghao hyung!"

The said male's eyebrows almost kissed each other as he stared at the shorter and probably younger male who surprisingly know his name, beaming at him.

"Hello? Uh," he looked around to look at anyone, someone who can enlighten him about this weird situation, but only to be faced with students who are smiling at him as well.

"It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Lee Chan, a freshman." See? I knew it. Minghao mentally pats himself for his right guess but soon enough become once again aware of this odd scene which is his situation.

"Yeah? Nice to meet you, too. But how do you know my name?" He looked down at his uniform shirt, trying to find a name-tag or anything that served as an indicator for this Chan right here that he is indeed Xu Minghao, but there's none. He's certain as well that he is not some sort of social media celebrity that can be recognized by young people anywhere. So how?

"Well, hyung, you see, you're kind of famous here. Everyone's waiting for your arrival! Now that you're here we can save ourselves from-"


That voice.

How did I forgot?


"My Haohao is going to transfer here next sem!"

"Amazing! What a surprise!," Seungkwan said, voice lacing with sarcasm followed by a tepid "yey" from Hansol which earned a snicker from Wonwoo and a pointed look from Joshua.

"Yes, Junhui, for the record, you've said that for the ninety-eighth time today." Another snicker from Wonwoo, but Jun doesn't seem to mind as he sighed dreamily, probably thinking about his Haohao.


It was a Saturday afternoon when Minghao broke the news to Junhui about his family moving to Korea and him transferring to the older's school, Pledis High. They're skyping as per usual, talking about mundane things that neither of them bothered to care.

Minghao can't help the upward tug of his lips as the older of two's face break into a wide, ecstatic grin.

Who wouldn't be happy though? They haven't seen each other since Minghao was twelve due to Junhui's family having to leave for Korea for his father's job. He can even remember the way they embarrassingly sobbed in each other's arms with people at the airport looking at them. They pinky-sworn that they won't forget each other and that they'll still be each other's best friend and that they must text, call, and skype in their spare time.

Please don't forget about me, I love you.

Those were the last words whispered to him by his best friend. The younger of the two will answer back immediately if it weren't for Junhui's eyes veciferated earnestness and woebegoneness. Minghao was taken aback and all he can hear were his hiccups and the rapid beating of his heart. Then the next second he opened his eyes, Junhui's back is already glaring at him, rendering him speechless and heartbroken.

Minghao went home that day with a heavy heart, regrets filling his heart and mind as he failed to say those three little words for the last time.

He found it hard to open up again to anyone else that is not Junhui so people will find him keeping to himself rather than be seen hanging out with people his age. He didn't care though, all he wanted was Junhui. His best friend, his Junnie.

Junnie's warm hugs, Junnie's contagious laughter, Junnie's sweet and encouraging words every time Haohao felt like the world is playing favorites and he is the least wanted child, Junnie's touches, and Junnie's forehead kisses.

He misses Junnie, so so much.

But he can't do anything but to succumb in the darkness that is his bedroom- lonely, cold, and without the presence of Junhui.

But that was five years ago.

Because his best friend is here now.

Junhui is here, holding Minghao in his arms.

"Haohao, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too." More than you do.


"Junnie, why does Chan said that I'm well-known here in your school? How did that happen?" Minghao asked the older one day as the thought came into his mind.

Junhui seemed to freeze before he collected himself and answered, "don't mind that, Haohao." He sounded kind of suspicious but Minghao shrugged it off and focused again on his book.


"Everyone! When you happen to see someone rocking a mullet, looking like a lost lamb, an adorable lost lamb, with pretty, doe eyes, with an endearing round nose and fairy-like pointed ears, that is Xu Minghao! My precious, sweet Haohao!"

Junhui will exclaim those very words almost everyday, unable to contain his happiness and excitement. His friends will be left without any choice but to be associated with their friend's embarrassing antics.



author's note:
hi!! i hope you enjoyed this one as well. i apologize for any mistakes TvT
votes and comments are highly appreciated! thank you and see you again <333

ps. don't mind the title guys, i can't come up with a creative one ㅋㅋㅋ

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