1) introduction

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Brrrrrrrr. My alarm went off for the 8th time today. It is another weekday, which means another school day. I finally decide its time to get up. I get up and make my way to my closet. Today I am not feeling god, so I went with a pair of black sweatpants and a t shirt with a black jean jacket.

I make my way to my bathroom and get stripped. When I look at myself in the mirror I almost gag in disgust. I have hickeys all over my body and hand marks on my chest, shoulders, and forearms. Memories from last night come back. I feel something wet roll down my cheeks.

"no! I don't cry I'm stronger than that. I am not weak! I can't cry."

I have not cried on any time since I was 7. Unless it is my birthday I never dry at all. Most people love their birthdays since they get gifts and eat cake and spend time with their family. Witch I do, but something else happens every single year, something that has made me into who I am today. A fearless, broken troublemaking girl.

I shower and get dresses. Get my skateboard and make my way downstairs. My twin always rides with her other friend group. "the mean girls" of the school. She is very popular and has a lot of boys drooling over her, but I got more. 😊. I mean all the boys in school are always trying to get my attention. I do not know what they see in me I mean I am just a bichy girl who simply doesn't like human beings.

I do not really feel hungry so I am gonna pass breakfast. My parents are not even home so they can't force me to eat. My mum and stepdad are on a business trip together, and they've been gone for about a week now. They call my twin every night though. So, I know their still alive. I do not really interact with them at all unless I have boxing practice with my stepdad. You see I am not any normal girl, I have a lot of anger issues and I love boxing. My stepdad is a really nice man. Most people would expect him to treat us differently since were not his kids by blood, but he loves both me and my sister. And would do anything for us even if it risked his whole life.

I start skating my way to school while listening to music. And 15 minutes later here we are. The hell hole where I am supposed to learn. I am already 15 minutes late, but all the teachers are used to that by now. I have English as my first period, and god I do not know how to explain my hate towards MS brown. She is a complete bich.

Alright. Time to make my grand entrance. I push the door open a little too hard and stumble in. everyone's eyes go on me and I simply just glare at them with my usual facial expression. (a resting bichface). I show no emotion and don't plan too neither.

Ms. Brown clears her throat "you are late again Isabella."

I scoff at her "you should be used o that by now, I mean when am I ever on time"

She looks at me with a shocked face and damn she also looks mad. I hear a few oooooooooooo's and giggles. I roll my eyes and find my usual spot at the back. I make my way towards my table and sit down with my feet on the table and hand crossed over my chest smirking.

"detention after school today" miss brown says angrily.

"gladly miss black" I love messing with her name she gets furious.

"out of my class, now!"

I get up and make my way out.

I wait till the bell rings and annoying humans start filling the corridors. I make my way to my locker and exchange books.

"look it's the slut" Brittney the leader of the mean girls says and as usual I ignore her.

"hey bich" she calls trying to get my attention, but I simply just plug in my EarPods and start making my way to the next class, but she just has to make her boyfriend of the week stop me and he slams me into the lockers. I don't necessarily like fighting people who hurt me but if its this bad then I won't hesitate to throw some punches so that's what I do, and lastly I kick him in he balls with my knee.

Now I don't feel like being in school anymore so I just but my books pack and make my way out of school. I start skating towards my next direction which is the junkyard. I like being here and watching the town from up here. There's a pile of broken cars in the junkyard and I always sit there and spend my day smoking and thinking about life.

It has been 5 hours now and I'm making my way back home. Once I'm home I get changes into something comfy and finish my assignments and homework.

"hey twinny" Isabella greets.

Me and her are kind of close if you look at it from my perspective. I mean we aren't as close as normal twins should be, but it is what it is, she is probably the person I'm the closest to except for mason. Me and mason used to be besties at least that's what he called our relationship, but then he moved, and I never even got to say how grateful I was for him, I would always be rude to him and call him annoying but he never left even if I asked politely. I do not think I understood how much he meant until he moved. We first met at the junkyard and became good friends. He is 16 which makes him a year older than me, but it does not really matter because I am a grade higher because of my smartness lol.

"mhm" I answer not really looking for a convo.

"wanna have a movie marathon?" she says grinning. I understand that she is really trying with me but its not going to work. I simply am not the talkative, joyful, happy, and hyper person I used to be. I'm different now but she doesn't get that.

"ugh, do I have an option?"

"nope" she says execrating the "P".

We start watching the movie while eating snacks, just as I am about to take another spoonful of Nutella, the best food in the world I do not even think it is actual food but that's not the point. There's someone knocking on the door.

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