2) suprise

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Isabella drops the bowl of popcorn and start screaming.

"OH MY GOD! the demons are here to get us ahhhhhhhhhhhh."

well, that's what happens when u decide to watch a horror movie with your hyper sister, who doesn't even kill a bee. I scoff and get up with my Nutella in my hand and walk over to the door with ora behind me. I open the door and am greeted by two police officers and a man in a suit and a woman in a beautiful tight dress. They all have shocked expressions on their faces. I mean who would not. there are two teenage girls standing Infront of them one with Nutella all over her face and shirt eye bags under her eyes and dressed in an oversized hoodie which is obviously a boys (masons), he gave it to me before he left as a memory.

The other girl standing Infront of them was only in a lace bra and shorts I mean c'mon who walks around in their house with only a bra while u have hickeys all over your body. From their one-night stands. She had chips all over her chest and a worried look on her face with makeup smudged on her whole face.

We just stared at the people outside with wide eyes and questioning looks and they stared back with shocked faces. We stayed like that for about a minute just looking at each other in awkward silence. Until one of the police officers cleared their throat and I came back to the real world.

"what did you do this time Isabella" my twin asks with both fear and anger in her voice.

" I have not done anything illegal" i say excederating the word "I"

"then why are there police officers here?"

"maybe put on a shirt before you keep on talking hm?"

she looks down, and quickly goes into the living room and puts a shirt on

Then I turn to the police officers 

"how can I help you?"

they, look at each other in shock

"could we come inside?" one of them ask with a pitifully look.

"no?" i say questiongly

"Ugh Isabella shut up."

"I'm sorry about her you can come in" ora says smiling showing her perfect white pearly teeth.

They nod and walk into the house all of them including the weird man in a suit and the lady. Its midnight so its dark outside and we have all of the houses light out so while Isabella gestures them to take a seat in the living room I turn on the lights and take a seat at one of the bar stools.

"okay, now why are you here?"

They don't answer and just look at us with pity I snap at them.

"helouuuuuu", "i asked a question"

What I heard next shocked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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