Chapter 6

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As Michelle and Jordan got into the cab heading to the airport to go home together.  Then Jordan said, "When we land in Boston, where you going to stay until we get out own place baby?"  Then Michelle said, "I already talked to my mom and you can stay with us baby, and yes we will be sharing a room if you don't mind baby."  Then Jordan looked right at Michelle and said, "I don't mind as long as I'm with my one true love baby."  Then when they got on the plane Michelle said, "Why don't we wait until tomorrow to start looking for a place of our own, cause all I want to do is relax and unwind from the cruise, and enjoy the peace and quit, cause I don't remember Danny and Tiffany ever being that damn loud like they were this morning."  Then Jordan said, "I can't remember Danny ever being that damn loud for as long as I can remember babe."  Then Michelle said, "I agree baby, and Tiffany has never been that loud, and boy she was so damn loud this morning.  Plus I can't believe that I shoved Donnie, cause he opened his big mouth."  Then Jordan said, "It was about to happen, and boy was Donnie shocked when you pushed him like you did babe."  Then Michelle said as the plane was landing, "Are you ready to start looking for places tomorrow babe?"  Then Jordan said, "I sure am ready to start looking for our own place babe, cause I love you so much."  Then when they got to Michelle's mom, Michelle was the first one in the door.  Then her mother said, "I see you finally made it home sweetie.  before I forget to tell you Griffin called and said for you to call him, cause he's made at you Michelle."  Then Michelle said, "Why is my nephew mad at me mom, and oh boy I forgot that he was suppose to spend the weekend, and I wasn't home."  Then when Michelle's mom said, "So please call and tell him that you're going to make it up to him somehow,  cause he said that you broke a promise to him this weekend."  Then Michelle said, "Lets go put the stuff up in my room and I'll call to talk to Griffin, and it's not going to be easy to get on his good side."  Then Jordan said, "I'll carry the bags upstairs babe, cause you shouldn't be picking anything heavy up babe."  Then when Michelle and Jordan got to her room, Michelle sat on the bed and called her nephew.  Then Lea answered the phone, Michelle said, "Hey girl where's Griffin at?"  Then Lea said, "He's not a happy camper with you right now Michelle, cause someone broke a promise to her nephew."  Then Michelle said, "I know I have to make it up to him, and he can come stay with me this weekend, while me and Jordan are looking for out own place to live."  Then Lea said, "So you and Jordan are moving in together, and he's ok that you're pregnant with his baby.  Plus how long have you and Jordan been dating, cause I don't think it's that long?"  Then Michelle said, "We've been dating for 6 months and he's ok with me being pregnant with his baby."  Then Lea said, "I'm glad to see that you're happy once again, cause that asshole you were dating before Jordan didn't make you happy at all."  Then Michelle said, "Damn why is Griffin yelling like that, and tell him that Auntie loves , and misses him."  Then Lea said, "Griffin Auntie love and misses you, plus she's sorry for breaking her promise to you this past weekend."  Then Michelle said, "Yea throw my under the bus Lea, and tell Griffin I'll see him this weekend, cause I miss my baby girl."  Then Lea said, "I'll let you  know, cause I think that Joey wants to do something with Griffin, and if he ain't doing anything with Griffin then you can have Griffin for the weekend, cause you know that Griffin wants to spend the weekend with his Aunt Michelle."  Then Michelle said, "Yeah what's up with Griffin wanted to spend all the time with me lately?"  But before Lea said anything her cell phone died on her without and warning.  Then Michelle said, "Ain't that a bitch, Lea's cell phone died without any warning."  Then Jordan said, "Come and lay down for a little bit, cause I'm tired from that plane ride baby."  Then Michelle crawled into bed with Jordan, cause she was also tired from the plane ride.  Then when Michelle's mom checked on Michelle, and she opened up her door and found that Jordan and Michelle was sound asleep, and she just let them sleep.

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