Chapter 22

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As Michelle was waking up, Jordan looked right at Michelle and said, "Good morning Mrs. Knight, how did you sleep babe?" Then Michelle looked right at Jordan and said, "Good morning Mr. Knight, I had a good nights sleep babe." Then Jordan said, "I love waking up next to you every morning, and I can't wait to go and get home to Kristina, cause I miss my princess." Then Michelle said, "I miss Kristina also, cause it was really quiet last night. I just hope she was ok for my mom last night babe, cause this was her first time staying with my parents." Then Jordan said, "Let me call your mom to see if Kristina was ok last night babe." Then when Michelle's mom answered the phone, Katherine said, "Jordan Kristina was fine last night, and she's the most perfect baby." Then Jordan said, "We were just wondering mom, cause it was her first night with you and dad. Well I'm going to get going, and please give Kristina a kiss from me and Michelle." Then Michelle looked at Jordan and said, "Was Kristina ok for my mom and dad babe?" Then Jordan said, "Mom said she's the most perfect baby, and she was still sleeping babe. Are you hungry, cause I'm starting to get hungry babe?" Then Michelle said, "I'm starting to get hungry too babe. Lets call room service and stay in bed all day long." Then Jordan said, "That sound like a good plan, but one of us had to get up and answer the door when they deliver it babe." Then Michelle said, "I don't feel like getting out of bed at all today." Then Jordan said, "Well we're ready to go home and get out little princess we have to get up and get dressed babe." Then Michelle said, "I know that, but right now I just want to stay right here with you babe. Plus I hope mom has enough breast milk for Kristina, cause she will not drink formula out of a can." But before Jordan could say anything they knocked on the door with their food, so Jordan threw on a pair of jeans on to answer the door, and Michelle put one of Jordan's t-shirt on. Then Jordan said, "Have I told you lately that you look sexy as hell in my t-shirt babe?" Then Michelle said, "You tell me that every single time I put one on babe. Now who the hell is calling me, and they can wait until I'm done eating babe." Then as they were eating, Jordan's phone started to ring, and when Jordan answered his phone, Michelle's mom said, "Does Kristina or has she ever drank formula out of a can?" Then Jordan said, "Hell no she only drinks breast milk mom, and Kristina should have enough until we get home later on tonight." Then Michelle's mom said, "Kristina does have enough breast milk. I just asked cause the neighbor had as extra can of formula, and I was just asking Jordan." Then Jordan said, "Michelle will never feed Kristina formula out of a can, cause of what happened when she was making a bottle for Griffin." Then Katherine said, "Then I'll just tell the neighbor that I don't need that can of formula at all, and are you 2 having fun?" Then Jordan said, "We are having so much fun mom, and I love my wife more than anything mom." Then Michelle said, "I love my husband more that anything babe." Then when Jordan got off the phone with Michelle's mom, he looked right at Michelle and said, "I can't believe that your mom, called and asked if we use can formula for the baby." Then Michelle said, "She better not feed that shit to Kristina. After I seen bugs in a can of formula when Griffin was a baby, I vowed never ever to use a can of formula if I ever had kids. Kristina only drinks breast milk, and it don't cost almost $20 a can babe." Then Jordan said, "I'm jumping in the shower real quick want to join me babe?" Then when they got out of the shower, Jordan said, "I'm going to lay down and take a nap." When Michelle climbed in bed Jordan pulled her close to him and then he said, "Much better, and I like holding you babe." Then Michelle said, "I love it when you hold me like this babe." As they lay there they fell asleep, and when they woke up, Jordan said, "I wonder what time it is babe?" Then Michelle grabbed her phone and said, "I thought it was later than 2 o'clock babe. I don't feel like moving at all right now, cause I am very comfortable right now." Then Jordan leaned over for a kiss, and said, " So am I baby, and lets see what's on tv babe, cause I just wont to relax with you right now babe." Then as they were finishing up eating dinner, Jordan's phone began to ring and when he answered if Michelle's mom said, "Jordan we have a big problem, Kristina drank the last bottle of breast milk, and she just woke up screaming ." Then Jordan said, "Let us get dressed and we'll come and get her mom, and bring her back here with us, cause I paid for and extra couple of days, and we miss our princess." So when Michelle and Jordan went to get Kristina, she was screaming so loud. So when Michelle's father answered the door and said, "Thank god you're here Michelle, cause someone's hungry." Then when Michelle walked into the living room and said, "Here give my Kristina and I'll go in your room and feed her, cause that's what she wants." So when Michelle went to feed Kristina, Jordan said as he walked in her parents room, "Now that's what you wanted my princess." Then Michelle said, "It is ok mommy's here baby girl. Look at her eyes from all that crying, they are red and swollen from her crying." Then Jordan said, "It's ok princess mommy and daddy's here now baby. Plus you're coming with mommy and daddy, cause it's too quiet in that suite ain't it babe." Then Michelle said, "To quiet babe and it will be better with our princess with us tonight. I know when we get back to the hotel, I'm going to have to pump so she'll have milk for when she wakes up." Then Michelle's mom said, "Kristina's sleeping ain't she Michelle dear?" Then Jordan said, "Kristina was hungry mom, and now she's full and she'll sleep for at least 3 or 4 hours, and then she'll be up to eat again. Mom, you aren't going to be mad at us, cause we're going to be taking Kristina with us?" Then when Katherine said, "Are you sure that you want to take her with yins, cause I was enjoying having her here Jordan?" Then Jordan looked right at Michelle's mom and said, "Yes mom we're sure that we want to take Kristina with up, cause it's to quiet without her mom." Then as Michelle was putting Kristina in her car seat, Michelle said, "It's quiet except for the fight in the hall last night." Then Jordan said, "They were screaming at each other for at least 45 minutes, and then they were throwing blows." Then Michelle's dad Tom said, "What were they screaming about?" Then Michelle said, "I have no clue, but they were screaming at each other for about 45 minutes dad. I do know one thing they were screaming about him cheating on her and the 2 guys were throwing punches. An then all of a sudden hotel security was throwing them out of the hotel." Then as they were leaving, Katherine said, "By Kristina, meme loves you princess. Jordan do me a big favor, and before you all tour this summer, let me have her for a couple of days?" Then Jordan looked right at Katherine and said, "You can have Kristina for a couple of days before we go on tour this summer mom." Then as Jordan was putting Kristina in the car Jordan turned around and said, "I promise mom that you can have the princess before we leave for the tour this summer mom, and I can't wait until we go on tour this summer, cause it's been awhile, and we all missed it." Then when they were on the way back to the hotel, Jordan looked right at Michelle and said, "I hope there isn't another fight like last night babe, and she was stupid for opening that door last night." Then Michelle said, "I agree with you, cause that was the most stupidest thing she did." Then Jordan said, "I know you wouldn't of opened the door like she did babe." Then when they got to the room, and was Jordan was putting up the play pen for the baby, Michelle's phone started to ring. When Michelle answered the phone, Jordan's mother said, "Are you and Jordan heading home tonight, or are you two staying a little bit longer sweetie?" Then Michelle said, "Jordan paid for 2 extra nights mom, and we have Kristina with us right now mom." Then Jordan's mother said, "Are you sure that you're ok having the baby with yins Michelle?" Then Michelle said, "Yes mom were fine, and I'm glad that I have my baby mom. Plus we'll be home in a couple of days mom and we both just want to spend time with Kristina mom."

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