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Irene felt the warmth of the sunlight on her face, and warmer arms spooning her to a chest. The glass windows couldn't filter the heat of the setting Sun, and the thin sheets didn't stop her from feeling the hard chest glued to her back. It was warm. But too warm, almost at the edge of uncomfortable.

Her eyes flew open as she remembered the flight she had to catch. Suddenly, the idea of meeting up with her ex boyfriend, before she flew back to LA, felt like a bad one. She somehow got hold of her phone from the night stand and cursed as the clock showed it was way past 6.

Irene realised she might just miss her flight.

She wrestled out of his arms and rushed to find bits and pieces of clothes scattered all across the bedroom floor. In the distance, the Dubai skyline started to light up as the sun started hitting the horizon. And so did his blonde locks of hair. But none of it mattered anymore. She left him and the city behind years ago.

She sloppily put on her comfy cropped top and loose pants. Airport fashion is a thing, but a 16 hours long non stop flight required it's own level of comfort.

He gently stirred from his nap, not noticing anything. It was supposed to be quick coffee. But before she knew, he was dragging her bag out of the elevator and into his apartment on the 25th floor. The coolness of the air conditioned studio felt way better than the scorching sun outside. So she followed.

She glanced out the window and then at his reflection for one last time before she left through the door as her Uber arrived.

The city blurred out as the driver sped to the airport. Her affair with Dubai was a strange one. She hated the heat and the homesickness, and yet she found herself falling in love with it in no time. Until, he swept her off her feet and then dropped her again. Broke her heart into a million pieces and made her hate Dubai more than ever.

She moved back to LA just after that, promising herself to never set foot here again, but 3 years later, business brought her back in the city, and then, back in the crook of his neck.

She got to the airport, and checked-in just in time. She heaved a sigh of relief as she sped through all the lines and grabbed a seat in the lounge.

She checked her phone again. She opened up his chat and started typing. She had poetries in her head. About how he made her feel. She could write songs about how making love with him made her feel alive. But the backspace on her keyboard couldn't really erase the pain he had given her before. All she had to say, was one word she should have said a long time ago. To the city, and to Steven.

Irene [7:03
PM]: Goodbye.

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