1 week ago

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'Found You'

Those two words were enough to alarm Jacob. Enough to initiate Operation Obliviate. He wasn't completely surprised. He saw it coming. But not the way it happened. Someone had left a handwritten note on his table at the coffee shop with those words.

Someone was following him. He always made sure to use different coffee shops every time he logged on into his account. Always using a Virtual Private Network with the public wifi. His systems were foolproof. There was no way to trace him. To the rest of the world, he was merely zeros and ones on a screen.

Until now.

Someone had gotten past his systems. Someone had watched his every single move. He knew that was the only way to trace him.

Jacob knew it wasn't the FBI. They wouldn't announce themselves like that. And that worried him more. He knew the government would never get enough proof on him to convict him. But there were other people after him too. And for the first time since he got in this sinister line of business, he was scared.

Maybe he went too far. But right now, all he knew was that it was time to disappear.

He had no time to get home. He was sure that that place was already compromised. He had to plan his next move very carefully so as to not to get caught.

It was time to leave the country.

He quickly left the cafe and got into his car, making sure he wasn't being followed. He whipped out his laptop from his backpack and transferred all his data into the pen drive in his pocket. He always carried them, just in case. He backed up his phone and made sure he had emptied all his devices. He knew this would happen. All it took was a few simple commands that would invoke pre programmed sequences that make sure only he had the access to the data.

He drove straight to the airport. He parked the car beside the road quite far away from the airport. Where no cameras would catch him leaving that particular car. He walked the rest of the way dodging all the cameras, so that no one could trace him to the car. It was a well rehearsed plan in action.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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