Plus Size OC MHA in the Real World

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First Name: Mizuki
Last Name: Phoenix
Nickname: Zuki, Mimi, Zuzu
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Pan, Polygamous
Birthday: October 31st
Life Story: She has epilepsy.


Eye Color(s):

Eye Color(s):

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Hair Color:

Highlights: Light blue Hair Style(s): Lightly CurlySkin tone: Medium tanBody type:

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Highlights: Light blue
Hair Style(s): Lightly Curly
Skin tone: Medium tan
Body type:

Highlights: Light blue Hair Style(s): Lightly CurlySkin tone: Medium tanBody type:

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Height: 5'4"
Weight: 287lbs

About him/her

Personality: Kind, caring, loving, intelligent, dorky
Good Habit(s): Keeps up on cleaning.
Bad habit(s): Stress eats
Like(s): Food, anime, animals, cooking, cleaning
Dislike(s): School, bullies
Hobbies: Watching anime, singing, dancing, cooking, cleaning
Allergies: Strawberries, nuts, and peanuts
Fear(s): Losing everyone she loves
Strength(s): Can't think of one
Weakness(es): Don't have one.
Special Powers/Abilities: None at the moment, same as my ocs abilities from oc 3.
Weapon(s): Taser, pepper spray, pocket knife, hand gun
Extra: Nothing really

Talents and Dreams

Ambition/dream:  To go into the anime world, to find someone who's love her despite how she looks.
Occupation/Job: Radio DJ over the weekends
Best Class(es): All of them.
Worst Class(es): None

Family and Friends

Parent(s): Deceased
Sibling(s): Deceased
Relative(s):  Deceased
Best Friend(s): Your oc
Friend(s): None now
Crush(es): Dabi, Bakugo, Deku, Aizawa, etc.
Pet(s): None
Rival(s): Jocks, preps, and bullies
Enemy: Bullies and Mineta


Scent: Bubble gum and cigarettes
Blood type: A+
Outfit(s): In pics as we go.
Accessories: In pics
Makeup: Just Foundation, eyeliner, and lipstick
Scars: Wrists, thighs, waist
Tattoo(es): None
Jewelry: Piercings
Piercing(s): None yet


Theme Song/Quote: "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy"-Gabriel Inglesis
Favorite Food(s): Anything really
Favorite Drink(s): Anything
Favorite Color(s): Dark colors, and neon colors
Favorite Animal(s): All animals
Favorite Number: 666
Favorite Season(s): Fall/Winter
Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween
Favorite Time of Day: Night
Theme: No theme

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