Male OC

17 0 4

Name: Atticus
Last Name: Smith
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Age: 4,666 (Looks 16))
Species: Vampire
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: 10/09/1,034
Life Story: The first vampire to ever walk the earth, he has been with old fashioned and new generation vampires. Some say the first vampire is a myth, a legend. Until now, even be older then the Volturi from Twilight


Eye Color(s): Black
Hair Color: Jet black
Highlights: None
Hair Style(s): Short, clean cut
Skin tone: Pale
Body type: Buff
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 225lbs (Mostly muscle)

About him/her

Personality: Mysterious, cares about others, good listener, romantic ((basically everything you could want ladies 😉))
Good Habit(s): Always a gentlemen
Bad habit(s): Forgets his own strength at times
Like(s): Music, animal or human blood, dark colors
Dislike(s): Rapists, abusers, bullies
Hobbies: Music, guitar, singing.
Allergies: None
Fear(s): Losing everyone he has close to him.
Strength(s): Making friends
Weakness(es): Gets too attached.
Special Powers/Abilities: Copy Cat.
Weapon(s): Fangs and fists
Extra: Nothing really

Talents and Dreams

Ambition/dream:  None
Occupation/Job: None
Best Class(es): Mostly all of them
Worst Class(es): Math

Family and Friends

Parent(s): All Deceased
Sibling(s): All Deceased
Relative(s): All Deceased  
Best Friend(s): None at the moment
Friend(s): None
Crush(es): Your oc
Pet(s): None
Rival(s): None
Enemy: None


Scent: Sweet, and nature
Blood type: None
Outfit(s): As we go
Accessories: Just a watch
Makeup: None
Scars: None
Tattoo(es): None
Jewelry: Watch, ring
Piercing(s): None


Theme Song/Quote: None
Favorite Food(s): Human or animal blood
Favorite Drink(s): Human or animal blood
Favorite Color(s): Dark colors
Favorite Animal(s): Pitbull
Favorite Number: 6
Favorite Season(s): Winter
Favorite Holiday(s): Valentines Day
Favorite Time of Day: Night
Theme: None

((Well, I tried, now to get used to playing a male character I created))

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