Silent souls

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-Samantha's POV-

I woke up to a load alarm blaring in my ears. I hit my alarm clock with my fist, doing no good as I could still hear the alarm. After a few more tries I pulled the plug and sunk back into my pillow. After about 1 minute I groaned and stood up.

"Sam, get up. Time for school!" My mum said banging on my door.

I ignored her and walked to my wardrobe pulling my uniform off the hanger.


As the bus pulled up to school I could see Jason talking to one of the teachers. Which was weird because this is the late bus and he should be in class.

"Earth to Sam, let's go!" Lucy stood in the isle of the bus waiting for me.

I pulled my eyes off the window of the bus and followed her. The coolness of the air-conditioner was soon replaced by humidity and I raised my hand to my eyes.

As we walked into the class the teacher turned to us and scowled.

"Why are you late girls?"

"We were on the late bus." I told her sitting down.

She looked back to the board and continued writing.

"Sam!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I turned around to see the one and only Jason prosser standing in front of me.

"Yeah?" I said, feeling butterflies emerge in my stomach. His dirty blonde hair looked perfect today.

"What are you doing on Saturday?" He asked me like it was nothing.

My heart began to race. Why was Jason asking me out? I mean I know that I'm not ugly but I'm not popular either. I mean neither is he but I know that he has had 2 different girlfriends this year and only recently broke up with the last one. And We have a few classes together and we talk sometimes but I didn't think he thought of me in that way.

He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Um. Yeah sure.. Why not?" I smiled "you've got my digits just text me the details." I pat myself on the back for how cool I was while saying that.

He nodded and walked off into the other direction. I stood in the same spot for a few minutes before I walked over to my bus. I was standing in line waiting to get on when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

'Go to The Apple Rose on 8th street, bring nobody and tell nobody or they will die. Be there by 3:00PM or you die.'

My heart basically fell out of my chest and I froze. The doors opened and everyone walked onto the bus. I looked up from my phone and slowly started walking to 417 which went past the cafe I was told to go to.

It was 2:43PM. Who could the text be from? I'm just a normal kid. I don't have enemies. Even though I was calling (whoever sent this) bluff, I wasn't going to risk anything.

I jumped off the bus and walked slowly to the cafe.


The cafe looked empty, which was weird. I looked around and only saw a few people walking around, it was eerily quiet for a city like this. I opened the door and walked inside. The door slammed shut behind me and the lights turned off. I let out a scream and two extremely large hands grabbed my sides. I felt my bag slip off my back and my phone was lifted out of my pocket. I was slammed down in to a chair and my hands and feet were tied to the chair.

I was scared to say the least. What the hell is going on.

"What do you want? Who are you? How did you get my number?" I yelled trying to escape my restraints.

TakenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora