Electric shocks

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-Jai's POV-

Before Sam could say anything the door swung open.

"We'll, we'll what do we have here? Celebrating your escape? Applauding yourselves for your courageousness?" The fat man from the shipping container barges in, an angry expression on his face.

I quickly stand up and clench my fists. How did they find us? My heart is beating so fast I can almost hear it.

Jason stands behind him along with another man a bit bigger than Jason but in the same uniform, by bigger I mean musclier and buff, he looks like a boxer. They each stand on either side of The fat man with their arms in front of them. Jason's face is blank and expressionless.

"How did you find us?" Sam stands up, her hands shaking with fear.

"I am not here to answer your questions. Now you to will do as I say if you want to make it out of here alive." Let's call him Antonio, says in a serious tone, crossing his arms over his obscenely large chest.

He Is actually pretty stupid, why would he come all the way over here to get us back if he wanted to kill us?

"Again with the empty threats, your such a dick." Sam says sighing, "Oh and there is no way in hell I am going anywhere with you, sick freak. Plus do you really think you are going to leave here with us and not get noticed?" She gives him a questioning look and just stares at him like he's dumb.

"Shut up, kid. Now if you don't believe my threats towards you. Believe my threats towards your family. Because with the push of a button I can have them wiped off the face of the earth." Antonio says sweetly. His jet black hair is shiny, obviously from hair gel and his black suit is perfectly straight with no sign of wrinkles or creases.

I scoff, "That's cute. But it's not going to work." I say rudely.

Antonio's smile fades and he walks over to me.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, kid." He says "I strongly advise that for your sake you chose the easy way." His face is inches away from mine and I can smell his cheap cologne burning my nostrils. I avoid eye contact with him.

I look over at Sam who is sitting in a chair with her head resting on her hand. She looks upset. I want to go over and hug her, but I know I can't.

"Now this is how it is going to work." He says stepping back from me, "ankle bracelets are going to be attached to you, if you try to run away, a shot of electricity will run through it. You are going to walk back on to the boat. You are not going to talk to anyone or you will be shocked." He looked at me and then over at Sam raising his eyebrows "We clear?"

Sam looks annoyed but she nods. Antonio looks at me waiting for my confirmation. I glare at him but I don't nod.

"Jai, just do it." Sam says sighing at me.

I nod. But not for him, for Sam. I am not leaving her now. We've got this far.

Antonio holds out his hand over his shoulder and Jason walks over and places to metal bracelets in his hand, then steps back.

Antonio bends down and places one bracket around my ancle. I am hesitant to kick him in the head but I know that isn't going to get me anywhere.

Once mine is in place he starts towards Sam, he runs his hand down her leg and she goes to kick him before he tightly grips her shin. He aggressively puts her bracket on before standing up and turning back towards the door.

"When you get on the boat, wait for us." He continues "Go."

I cannot believe how stupid he is. Letting us walk out there.

I loom back at Sam, she looks furious. But begins toward me and grabs my hand. We start to walk out the door when Antonio's hand stops me.

"Let me just show you that this thing actually works, so you don't do anything you will regret." He says smiling, while pulling out a black remote from his pocket.

I look at Sam worried. Before I can see her expression a sharp pain runs through my body and I feel myself begin to shake. This is the strangest feeling I have ever felt, yet the most painful. It was like a million pins and needles running through my body but so much worse. I release my grip from Sams hand.

"Stop!" I hear her scream.

It stops and I feel relief run through me.

Sam puts her hand on my shoulder, "Jai, are you okay?" A worried expression is plastered onto her face.

I don't answer, I am still in shock.

"Move." Antonio says blankly.

I begin to walk but I can still feel Sams eyes on me.

"I'm fine, honey." I say out of breath.

"We can't get on that boat. Please don't make me get on that boat. This may be our last chance, we have to run." She says looking behind her to make sure Antonio doesn't hear. We are half way down the carpeted hotel lobby walking towards the elevator.

"No." I say, still in pain, "you saw what he just did, even if we did run, he would just find us again." Right now I really don't feel like talking, all of the energy has been drained out of me.

"What are you saying? We are just giving up? Who knows what they are going to do to us, Jai?" She exclaims.

"Look, Sam." I stop and turn to her, "I don't want this anymore than you do, but we don't have any other choice. I'm sorry it has to be this way. But I promise you as soon as we get another chance, we are going to take it."

She sighs realising that I'm right and we reach the elevator. Sam presses the button to go to the ground floor and I hear the elevator rising.

The doors open and we step inside. The elevator has mirrors on each side. I press the G button and I feel the elevator begin to move. I look into the mirror my brown hair is a mess and my blue eyes have bags under them.

"Are you sure your okay?" Sam runs her hand down my shoulder. Her hand is warm and I frown when she removes it.

"Yeah, it was just a little painful, but I'm okay now." I wasn't lying, the pain is gone. I turn to her and her eyes are burning into me, she gives me a weak smile.

An awkward silence erupts the elevator. But to my relief the elevator stops moving and I hear a faint ding before the doors open and I step outside. I don't hear Sam and when I turn around she is still standing in the elevator.

"I can't." Is all she says and I can see a tear run down her cheek.

"Yes you can, Sam. You have to." I say sympathetically, walking over and wrapping my fingers around hers before tugging her arm.

He tears begin to fall more and I pull her into a hug. Her warm body feels comforting against mine and I don't want to let her go. "I'm sorry it turned out like this, honey. But no matter what happens I promise I will always protect you."

I hear her sniffle and her body begins to relax. "You hardly even know me though? Why do you care so much about me?" She says pulling away from the hug and wiping her tears. I am hesitant to pull her back but stop myself.

I don't even know why myself, I just feel strangely connected to her. Like we have more in common than either of us realise.

"I don't know." I say blankly, as I start to walk pulling her along with me.

"What if you can't?" She says breaking the silence as we exit the building.

I don't look at her, I keep staring straight ahead. I don't even want to think about that so I don't answer her question.

We walk in silence the rest of the way back to the boat.

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