Chapter 18

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"So, is everything better now?"

Callie watched her dirty blond cabin mate fidget beside her as they parted ways with the rest of their group after dinner. There wasn't a bonfire tonight seeing as everyone wanted to rest for the long day of activities tomorrow. Beck lingered a few paces behind, seemingly lost in his own thoughts as he stared up into the darkened tree tops. Callie marveled for a second in jealousy at his body awareness and how he could avoid tripping over the occasional exposed tree root that her own feet made their mission to catch.

"Yeah. I don't take surprises that well. Actually, I'm still not very comfortable with meeting my mom for the first memorable time in three days." Callie let out a long breath as she frowned to herself.

"Well, there are plenty of places we can run and hide if things don't go so great." Fallon brushed against her arm, offering a supportive little smile. "And if it's worth anything, I think you're doing the right thing. Maybe this will be more like a closure thing for you. You never knew why she left, right?"

"I never knew how tiring it was to always feel this upset. For all those years, it felt like she knew what she was leaving us with and that hurt so much. After a while, the hurt just turned to bitterness and anger. If she waited this long, will anything really change?"

Fallon hummed quietly, "I don't think anyone can answer that, but we can't ever change the past. Unfortunately, what's done is done."

Those words were quickly becoming a mantra this summer it seemed. How does one get along with their past and move on, or at least stop lingering on it? Callie sighed after her self examination. For years she'd been consumed with dwelling on the past and all of the bitterness within it.

Fallon hopped up the front steps to their cabin, tossing a goodnight to Beck over her shoulder as Callie slowed her last paces and turned to the tall camper. After weeks of walking the girls back to their cabin, it became a natural routine for the three of them and also gave more teasing material for Fallon and Anika.

"Are you going to be okay?" Beck watched his fingers slowly run through the soft curls by Callie's temple before skimming down her cheek and tilting her head back slightly with a thin finger underneath her chin. It amazed Callie every time Beck gazed at her in wonder. Like he wasn't sure she was really existing in front of him. She never thought of herself as extraordinary or unique but catching him staring at her like that or being on the receiving end of one of his rare smiles made her feel things she'd never felt before.

Callie nodded her head, smiling softly in the moonlit glow streaming down through the trees.

"Rye and I could never stay upset for long at each other. Plus I kind of feel bad for him. Did you see how mad Anika was with him?" Callie chuckled.

"She's very protective of the people she cares about." Beck tugged Callie in for a long hug as he rested his cheek against her hair. He sighed out in relief at the thought of not having to go up against his mentor's girlfriend to be around Callie. As he thought some more, it seemed like the rest of the mentors in that group would be fierce competitors to go head to head with as well.

"Are your parents coming on Sunday?" Callie asked softly, trying to feel out Beck's thoughts as he held onto her.

"No. I did call them though. Something about being the better person and making the first move in forgiveness." Beck muttered through an eye roll. No doubt the advice came from Ryleigh. "They didn't hesitate to turn the invitation down. I couldn't imagine them agreeing to come anyway."

"Well, it's their loss. Plus I'm going to need you to myself if things don't go well."

"You know I'll be there for you, right?"

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