Hydra's Takeover

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It was the next day and I wake up to find Levy gone before the med bay only to run into John. "Oh hey John is everything ok" I asked as he smiled before leading me to the others who are with Adam. "[Fn] glad to see your feeling better but right now we have gained new information on Hydra's weapons it seems A.I.M was supplying them with suits made from Asgardain metal sort of like Levy's sword" Adam says as we watch footage retrieved showing Hydra and A.I.M working together.

"So what now" I asked as we soon get blasted from outside as Hydra's new suits begin to board as we all head down to fight back. "Levy bring the thunder" I say as Levy swings her sword creating a slash of lightning to take out 10 of Hydra's forces but we they keep coming. "[Fn] lets show them the wrecking ball" Trish said as I toss her at Hydra knocking out 20 more but we soon get pushed back as they keep coming.

"We knock them down but more just keep coming" John says before a huge a blast come crashing into us knocking us all into the wall before a man steps through the smoke dressed in a black armour. "It can't be Red Skull" Trisha said as we all stand up before mechanical arms sprout from his back grabbing us. "It would seem tha avengers are no longer the great heroes they once were" Red Skull says before I break out of his arms and begin rushing at him causing him to drop the others.

"Run to the jet were leaving" I say while holding Red Skull at bay John, Trisha, Ben and Levy get on the jet before I run for it as well dodging his attacks as I do. "JOHN LAUNCH NOW" I shout just as I reach the jet and we leave the hanger before Red Skull takes flight towars us and blasts our jets thrusters. "Crap we lost a thruster and Red Skull is catching up" John said as I think of our options before coming to a single idea.

"Lets see if Red Skull can take the weight" I say as everyone looked at me with confused looks until I jump out the jet and fall towards Red Skull. "LETS GO YOU RED BASTARD" I shout before crashing into him sending us both down towards the helicarrier while my team was turning around but are soon held back by flying Hydra soldiers. "Ya are a fool facing me alone" Red Skull tells me as I smile at him as I pin him down.

"You light work and do you know why" I asked as Red Skull managed to push me off but I rush at him. "I...AM...THE...STRONGEST...THERE...IS" I shout as I begin to crush his armour and tear it off piece by piece before getting shot in the back by a bunch of Hydra soldiers with dart guns which soon takes effect but I keep standing. "I must commend you that was enough tranquiliser to knock out an elephant in that case" Red Skull tells me as he gets the soldiers to fire of more tranquilisers as I fall to my knees but I still show a fire in my eyes.

"This one will be usefull right" Red Skull says before I get blasted in the back but this time it was Modok as I finally lose consciousness.

Meanwhile with the others:

"We need to go help [Fn] now" Levy said as they soon see the helicarrier take off away from New York. "John go after them" Trisha says as John let her take over the flying and flies after the helicarrier in his suit but gets blasted out of the sky and crashed to the ground below as the team watched the helicarrier disappear in the distance along with you on board. After John is collected by Trisha, Ben and Levy they all head for Stark tower which was going the meeting place Adam made in case of an emergency but the old avengers would also be there.

"Glad to see you 5 are ok" Adam says before recountin only to find you are missing and asks the team. "[Fn] was captured by Red Skull and Modok" Ben tells Adam as everyone had looks of horror on their faces. "Ok first order of business we need to find get a substitute for [Fn]" Adam says before Levy punched him in the face causing him to fall to the ground while holding his jaw.

"[FN] IS NOT FUCKING REPLACABLE" Levy said with tears in her eyes and anger in her voice as Adam gets back to his feet and Levy leave the room while Trisha goes after her. "You know Adam you should think before you speak" Ben tells him as he leave after Levy too. After a couple minutes Trisha finds Levy standing in front of an open window looking out at the setting sun with only a single thought on her mind as Trisha placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's hard to see the people we love suffer but you know what I think [Fn] made sacrifice to protect you because he loves you Levy and that's why we will find Hydra and get him back" Trisha says as Levy turns round and begins to cry into her shoulder but Trisha knew things would get worse from here on out as this was only the begining of Hydra's plan.

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