New Friend!

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"It's super effective!" Those words flashing across Chad's screen of his tablet again and again as he devestated the opponent with his team of superior Pokémon. He thought he was pretty good. At least, that's what he thought. Others told him different things.

"So what's goin on over here?" asked that girl in his sixth hour, the current class being School Beautification. What a waste, but a good place to nerd out.

"Nothin' much, just wreckin face." Chad said confidently. He could tell the girl was intrigued by his skill. He also knew she wanted the seat right near her friends that Chad had taken at the beginning of class.

"Wow, your team is great!" Chad didn't even know her name, and she was amazed with his skill. But it was the beginning of the year and there would be plenty of time to learn more about her.

"So you're a sophomore, right?" she asked.

Chad was used to this question. His height and facial hair amount made him look like he was seventeen even though he was only fourteen. "No I'm just a sexy freshman."

The girl giggled. "You aren't that good looking."

"Oh, so now I'm good looking, and have skills with Pokémon? Well the day goes on." Chad smirked. Now, he began the friendship protocol.

The friendship protocol for Chad was a three step process. First, get a joke going, then tell or show them some of his interests, then learn their name, high five (or fist bump, bro-fist all the way), and walk away.

That was the joke, so now came interests. "I see that you are a Pokémon fan as well. Hey, you wouldn't happen to like anime, would you?"

"Oh my gosh, I love anime! Like Attack on Titan and High School of the Dead. Have you ever watched those?"

Chad responded with a calm, "Only AOT, no High School of the Dead." The bell rings. "Oh, looks like class is over. So, what's your name?" He asked, kind of shyly.

"Heavenly, Heavenly Carter."

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