New tragedy?

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"Hello class!" Yelled Mrs. Brasher.

This month was different. So many class changes, so little fun. Well, sort of. Chad's schedule was nearly unrecognizable. His first hour, switched with his fourth hour, he had science for third hour instead of second, and he had current events instead of school beautification. But, Heavenly was still in one of his classes. And it was his favorite; science. He noticed a lot of his friends had this hour, like Julie, Jonathan and Justin. What luck, he thought after seeing the class roster.

"Oh great, it's you." Said Heavenly as she sat down next to Chad, and right across from Julie. Those two are such good friends, he thought.

"And I see you're here as well. How's life treating you?" Chad responded. They had become friends as time went on in sixth hour. Chad even started watching more anime so he would know what Heavenly, Jon and Julie were talking about. As Heavenly now called him, Chad was Mori Nozuka from Ouran High School Host Club. She was Honey Nozuka, Mori's cousin and extremely close friend. Extremely close.

Being Mori fit Chad. He was silent (usually), strong (mentally, and even so, meh at best), and handsome (to some people).

Now, fast forward a few weeks. Chad and Heavenly have become closer friends. He joined the anti-bullying club she was part of so they could be close in seventh hour with an excuse. But, trouble was brewing, and Chad thought it all started when Heavenly asked him out.

"So Chad, what do you say?" Heavenly asked.

Chad thought about it. This was a problem. Heavenly just asked him out, and he didn't know what to say. He had only recently found out that she was bisexual, and she was already in a relationship with a girl. He was single, but not really looking for love. She did call him bae every once in a while. Maybe...

"You know, I really want to say yes. In fact, I would. But I've got some problems that I need to work out first (kind of a lie :( ). We can still be friends though, right?" Boom, friendzoned her. She wouldn't get over that soon. Chad felt a pang of guilt. He should have told her he was a heart breaker.

#Cheavenly (Fan-fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora