Tiva #1

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"Ziva!", Tony yells while running after her.

She walks faster.

"Ziva! What are you doing? I thought we were having a pint together."

Now he catches up with her and grabs her hand.

"Are you mad at me? Did I say something wrong?"

She doesn't look at him but at least she doesn't walk away.

Tony opens his mouth to apologize but Ziva is faster.

"I just thought YOU were still mad at ME because I called you childish. I didn't mean it."

She sad-faced looks at him with her huge brown eyes.

He smiles.

"Hey", he gently says and touches her cheek.

"It's okay. You were right. I was stupid and it was embarrassing. It won't happen again, just so you know."

Then he smirks.

"That guy must've thought you were my angry girlfriend."

Both start laughing.

"I don't mind if you act completely goofy in private but I do mind if you do in public while I am with you.", Ziva says while still smiling a bit.

"It's just that... I don't want it to be awkward between us. I care too much about our friendship Tony."

Her look is a bit desperate.

Tony pacifying looks at her.

"Nothing is awkward between friends.", he whispers and then lovingly kisses her forehead.

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