Chapter four

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"So princess, I see you decided to snitch" he says taking out a book, looking through it. How did he find out? What is he going to do? Why did Valerie even mention anything?

"It's like I can see all those questions floating around in your head" he laughs putting the book back. He could see my questions. "Valerie texted me" he says, and I nod, "I told you a couple days back that I shouldn't have done that, why did you tell her" he questions me. What was I supposed to say, it's not like I could just tell her. Her own brother was ruining her friendships and mine

He walks up closer to me and flicks my forehead gently, snapping me out of my trance. "It's seems like you answer all my questions subconsciously,princess" he says humorously. "I'm not a princess" I get out.

Why is he even talking me anyways. Wasn't he supposedly be Mr.popular who only uses girls and dumps them once's he's done with them.

"There you are" Valerie says and Caleb takes a step back. Feeling trapped, I walk up to the end of the section where she was. "I hope your not trying to seduce her Caleb, she's off limits" Valerie warns. Off limits? Did she think I was trying to get with her brother?

Caleb looks at me and back at Valerie, "you don't have to worry about anything, she's not my type anyways" he says picking up his backpack and walking out the library. "I'm sorry about him, it's a habit for him to sleep with my female friends then I never hear from them again" she explains.

Well, she had nothing to worry about, Caleb was the last person I would ever want to get with. Plus boys were the least of my problems.

"Want to hang out" Valerie asks. The last time I hung out, I missed school for several days. "not today sorry, I have to catch up with the homework I missed" I say and her face drops. I hated disappointing people but I couldn't face Meredith's wrath. "How about I meet you early tomorrow and we can get coffee or something" I think I had enough money to buy coffee. Agreeing to my suggestion we part ways as I head home.

I walk through the parking lot only to see the twins get into their own cars. Meredith would never allow me to drive to school. She tells my dad I have yet to get my license even though I have it. My dad believes her because he can't be bothered to actually check up with his real daughter.

It's moments where I see kids happily hanging out with friends and laughing that I miss my old life. Before my dad Meredith, before my mother died.

"Stare much dork face" a voice says. Was I staring for that long. "I knew the twins where right when then said you had a weird obsession over them" Beth says. What was her problem with me anyways, I knew Caleb catching me was a bugging her but that was over a week ago

"You can stop staring now and leave" she says walking down the steps to meet the twins. Deciding that overthinking her words was a waste of time, I start to head home. I knew that I had to hurry and get home before Meredith and have dinner ready for her and the twins,
When Meredith comes homes all hell let's loose, she throws away the dinner I made and orders me to make a new one. She even got mad at her own daughters. Whatever she does during the day probably didn't go well.

After making her dinner, she leaves me alone for the rest of day. I catch up on missing assignments and study for my upcoming exams. I should ask try looking for job but knowing Meredith and my dad that probably wouldn't be a good idea.

But I was still going to try anyways. I needed my own income because my dad stopped  sending me allowances and Meredith barely gives me any money to go out. Sure I would miss making them dinner and lunch but I would still get the cleaning and organizing done.

Putting that on my to do list, I pull out one book I checked out from the library. It was long book called looking glass, a fantasy thriller. I opened it and started reading it, allowing each word and page to take me away from my current reality.
The next morning  I  walk towards the coffee shop Valerie wanted to meet at. I wasn't sure if caffeine was my thing but I was willing to try.

Once I get there, I look around hoping to find Valerie. I see her but she not alone and my first instinct is to turn around and just head to school but she stops me as she comes up to and guides me to the table. The only person I recognized was her and her brother who was busy chatting with a blonde boy.

"Guys...guys" Valerie commends silence, "this is Anastasia, my new friend. Be nice to her" she eyes them, her eyes lingering on Caleb far more longer. "I ordered an ice caramel coffee cause I wasn't really sure what you wanted" Valerie says. I pull out my wallet in order to pay her back but she just looks at me and laughs

"It's okay, Caleb paid for the drinks. Besides he owed you one for what he said to you when he took you home" Valerie says,eying Caleb again. "Oh thanks" I say and take a seat next to her,pulling the drink near me. "This is Kyle" Valerie points to the tall guy in a blue shirt with buzz cut. "He's the kind one out of all of them" she adds on.  "This is Bash, short for Sebastian. He's the typical trouble dude so be careful" she says pointing to the other tall dude who had a black shirt and curly long  hair. "Last but not least, Aaron. It's the only one with a brain in this group" she says taking a sip of her drink. Aaron was looked like typical nerd but fashionable. He blended in with them but stood apart.

"So are you going to introduce yourself princess" Caleb says with a smirk on his face. I really wish I could wipe that smirk off of his face. He already knows that I have trouble talking to anyone.

"Umm... my name is Anastasia St.Clair and I'm technically new to town. It's nice to meet you all of you. I don't really know what else to say" I end grabbing my drink frantically. I wait for them to move on and continue their conversation so I could disappear in the shadows but that doesn't come.

"What do you mean by technically" Kyle asks, looking at me with a puzzled look. "I used to actually live him when I was child but I moved overseas before I was even ten. I came back a few months ago" I answer his question. I didn't expose a lot but gave a sufficient answer, they don't need to be dragged into my sappy life.

"So how's school so far" Aaron asks. I haven't attended a lot of school days because some way or another I seem to ruin it and Meredith takes them away from me. "Princess you're doing it again. Answer with words not your head" Caleb says. I give him a glare before answering Aaron "so far, it's okay. Just catching up on school and pace changes I guess" I say in a low tone.

They ask me a couple more questions and I provide them with enough to draw away suspicion away from Meredith and the twins. If anyone were to find out the real story, I would die by Merediths hands first.

We go our separate ways and promise to meet during lunch. My first half periods were the easiest. English, Art, and history were classes I excelled in. I seemed to notice that the Valeries friends we also in my classes. I never really cared before because I
never knew their names but today they got up and talked to me.

Girls gave me a side eye and scoffed as we chatted away. They were interesting people and their personalities didn't really match up with what label people gave them. Choosing to ignore the looks, I focus on class work in front of me.
After an eventful coupled hours, lunch rolls around and today was probably the first time I didn't spend it in the library by myself. While Valerie, Caleb, Aaron, Kyle, and bash went to get food, I sat awkwardly at their table, not really sure what do with myself.

Meredith never signed me up for the lunch program at school, so I was left to pack my own lunches every days while the twins never had to.

"Why are you sitting at this table" Grace yells out. Was this table special or something, what was her problem. "Do you own this table" I question back. I probably shouldn't have said anything because if anything Grace and Louisa were excellent at, it was crying back to their mother over every little thing. "You don't belong to this table, you don't belong anywhere. I suggest you get up and find somewhere else to sit before Beth and Caleb find out their table has been infested by your germs" Louisa pipes out. What are they in middle school

"The only germs I see infesting our table belong to you and your sister" a voice pipes out

I look past the twins and see Valerie and the boys staring them down. The boys looked unbothered but Valerie is livid. She takes her tray and flings it towards the twins before anyone could say anything else

So much for a peaceful lunch

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