Chapter two

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I couldn't really wrap my head around all the secrets. But I mean, who was I talk. My situation was no better then theirs so I guess I shouldn't judge.
"So, Caleb is brother" I say, "why didn't you tell me"? I ask her.

"Would you have treated me the same way"? She says with humor in her eyes. Does she get that a lot, people using her to get close to her brother. "Yes I would have, I don't know about Caleb but I know for sure I don't want to align myself with the twins and their friends" I say genuinely. I never wanted to be popular, just to belong somewhere with people who care about me.
"Well that's new. I don't know, it's happened a couple of times and I just thought it would be better if you didn't know" she said as she takes another turn. "Well, I'm not going to treat you like that, I could careless who your brother is. You're my first real friend here and I honor that" I say with hand over my heart, laughingly.

As we pull up to her house, I realize why they spoke in codes, their house was literally a castle, maybe that's an exaggeration but it's bigger than my house. "You didn't tell me you were rich"? I say to her still looking at the house. "My parents money, that's why I couldn't say much. No one is supposed to know we live here. Only Beth and I suppose the twins know. But everyone else at school is supposed to think we are like - middle class" she says getting her bag out of the car.
"My mouth is shut" I say as I follow her to the door. This is very much unexpected. But I should have least picked it up with all the codes they were talking in. If I thought the outside was nice, I was in for a rude awakening. Not only was it beautiful, everything was so shiny. I was scared I was going to break something.
"Okay, one last thing, my parents are out there. They aren't your typical mean parents who insult you and bribe you with money because you are poor. My mom is very... talkative and my dad is... anyways they aren't mean. But if they ask anything inappropriate, I apologize" she says in hushed tone.
I wished my parents were like that-around.
"It's okay, they sound nice" I say following her to the kitchen.
"Mom, I'm home" Valerie shouts. I don't know why it bothers me now, but thoughts of my mom flood in my own mind. Having to grow up without a mother figure really does something to a person.
"Hey sweetheart, how was your- oh who's your friend" she asks letting go of the dough she was kneading
"My name is Anastasia Mrs.Daniels" I say taking my hand to shake hers. She ignores it and pulls me into a hug. "Just call me Sarah sweetheart, Mrs.Daniels is for old people" she says letting me go. "Valarie, where is Caleb" she asks going back to her dough. "He went to the beach with Beth" Valerie says with a annoyance in her voice. "But he said he will back for his lessons". She leaves the kitchen entering a different room leaving myself. What am I supposed to do now?
"Where are you from Anastasia? Valerie hardly brings any friends over" she says. "I'm from England. I was born in New York though, we moved to England when I was about seven and now I'm back" I tell her, taking a seat on the island seats.
"Your parents must be happy to be back" she asks. I don't really know how to answer. Was my dad really back? I think he lost a piece of himself that he could never get back. I look down thinking about how much I should tell her? How much is okay to even say out loud?
"Well my dad is still back in England and my mother passed away when I was three. So I guess I'm the only one back" I say while still looking down, I don't want anyone's pity. "Do you need help" I ask trying to change the subject. "Yah sure, it's pizza night. So wash your hands and you can add cheese pepperoni to the ones that are ready. Also I'm sorry if I brought up a sensitive topic?" She says
"No you're all good. How long as have you and family lived here" I ask trying to get a conversation going. "Born and raised. But of course me and my husband left for college" she says as Valerie comes back. I wish I had a place to call home, but all I have is maid servant job that I didn't really want.
"Pizza again mom" Valerie says pouring herself a glass of orange juice. "Yes pizza again. You should be helpful like Anastasia here" her mom says while chuckling.
As they start their little banter, I lose myself in making the pizza. It was nice to be in a caring environment. It felt to long and I know I shouldn't enjoy because the second I go home I would be engulfed with silence.

A few hours pass and Valerie and I are on the couch watching random tv shows while eating pizza. Her mom left to go the hospital because she works there. I learned more about Valerie and her family. Like how her and Caleb went to a public school even though they could have gone to private rich one. How Beth and the twins used to friends with her but now ignore her because they have her brothers attention. I let her carry the conversation only giving light information on my background. I don't want or deserve anyone's pity. I wasn't a good person, I had no family, I had no one I could really depend on

When Valerie goes to put the plates and cups in the sink the door opens and in walks Caleb himself. He walks up the stairs without saying a word and Valerie comes back the couch. "Just ignore him, probably in one of his moods" she says while flipping through the channels. Nodding my head in agreement, I look blankly at the tv. Today really was one of the best days I've had since I moved to this state.
Caleb comes back down, changed in black joggers and white shirt with headphones on. Finally noticing we were in the living room he stops in the kitchen to get pizza and meets us. "You're still here" he asks me. That's the first thing he says. Not what's your name or how are you doing, and I thought he was nice.
"Do you want me to leave" I ask him. He takes off his headphones as though I said something shocking. "I overheard the twins talking about how you had som-" he starts before I cut him off. Of course the twins said something to him, probably bragging about they think I'm their maid. "Oh that, yah I should probably go. It's already getting late anyways" I say as start putting on my shoes.
I knew Meredith always wanted me home right after school to clean the house over and over again but i thought I could get away for a few hours, I mean the twins get too. It would be a lie to say I expected the twins to keep it a secret that they literally treat me like a maid but I guess they couldn't help but brag. Let alone the had to Caleb of all people, what if he tells his sister- there goes my only friend.

"Thank you Valerie,for having me over but I really have to go now" I say with urgency. She looks at me then her phone "can you take her back Caleb, I have my meeting with Amy in twenty minutes" she asks "you owe me one remember" she begs again
He thinks about for a moment before letting a out sigh and going upstairs to get his keys. I start walking to the door and say one final goodbye to Valerie. As I wait my his car I pull out my phone only to be greeted by with many phone messages and missed call from Meredith. I was in deep shit, should I even go home at this point. Caleb comes out of the house and walks up to his car. He opens the car and allows me to get in. It was an awkward car ride filled with silence. Not able to take it anymore I look at him "take you again for saving back there in the hallway, I'm Anastasia by the way". He looks with blankness . Okay
We go back into an awkward silence until he pulls up in the drive way. Of course he knew where I lived, he knows the twins. "If you are using my sister to get close  to me, it's in your best interest to stop right here" he begins. Confused I look at him with anger and shock. "I didn't want to say anything in front of Valerie, but the twins and Beth have said things about you. Whether they are true or not, stay away from her if you have different reasons". I wanted to slap him, hard. He's going to believe the twins, the liars that they are.
"You don't even know me" I say to him. "I don't have to know you to know your kind. The twins and Beth aren't the most trustworthy people, thats why I said whether it's true or not" he replies. My kind- what exactly is my kind. Poor, without a family? Did he think I was going to use her for money?
I take a few moments to close my eyes and calm down before I start to get of the car.

"I don't know what the twins or Beth have said about me, but I didn't think you were one to buy into school gossip. Valerie really had me convinced you were different from the popular group, I guess it was a misjudgment on my part. I won't talk to Valerie from now on but you explain to her why. You know nothing about me so don't assume you have me all figured out" I say before smacking the door and running to the front door. Of course he was just like all the boys.
I open the door just as he pulls out.

"Where have you been" Meredith shouts

Here we go again

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