Chapter 5- EYE OF HORUS

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RUN TIME: 192 minutes 16 seconds.


Casinos were full of the stupid and the ignorant. The people were stupid. Coming here to gamble, to win big, to become millionaires. They gambled away their income; their last few precious pennies. And they did it to a rigged system; knowing damn well the rumors and the statistics.  But the casinos knew their consumers well. All it took was one big show, one random win and the rest would keep on gambling.

It was why the machines shrieked when you won. It had nothing to do with celebrating your new income, that most likely you would just spend back into the next machine, it had everything to do with dazzling and blinding the ones around you; the folks debating risking anymore... the ones starting to sober up to the realization this was all a scam.

And then there; a singing chime, a dazzling blast of light. You couldn't miss it even if you tried from across the gambling hall. Someone had won.

So, those idiotic persons try again.

It was their stupidity that costed them. They knew it was rigged. They knew the odds. They knew there was a far better chance at stock market investments than entering in those damned gold coins. But blinded with bright lights and color, happy images and dancing women, booze and food.... they chose their glorified prison. They chose their gluttonous destruction.

ATRA scrolled through the screen, reading the data that compiled in his program. Lots and lots of information. Unsecured browsers, passwords, emails.

Casinos were full of the stupid and the ignorant.

While he had no pity for them for what the casino did.... He found it mildly amusing what they didn't.

If only they knew how much of their personal life was flying about. How much of their secrets followed them into Sin City. Even browsing history deleted still held onto sites once browsed. Emails lost. Passwords hidden.

But, as luck would have it, for all that found their way into his program; he wasn't targeting any of them. Civilians were far from his interests.

Instead, the program ran, his eyes scanned the codes and the data that compiled into his screen. He had already pinpointed 22 undercover Federal Agents. A few dozen more from Zero Line Tech, a cyber security agency that had a few White Hats hidden in the crowds.

They used burner phones; devices that had no data within. Or so they thought. But the program beneath ATRA's fingers was thorough. It complied router addresses and cookies from WIFI networks those devices ever connected too, even if just once. The location services hidden behind unsuspecting aps had logged locations. Comparing those addresses pulled up Security Business Headquarters. Federally owned facilities. So on, so forth.

One particular agent, ATRA couldn't believe this was even real, had connected into a WIFI to pay for a service of numerous sex workers. ATRA imagined the agent panicked when it came time to pay, perhaps he had no wallet on hand having left it to ensure an incognito mission. And he had used his burner phone, for just a moment, to connect to the internet. Even with attempted data deletion- the cookies were still there, the backside code still tracking the phone's activity. ATRA had his name, his credit card information, his current employment, he had it all.

Most people didn't even realize it. You were constantly watched. Monitored. Tracked. And it wasn't even the hackers doing it. It was your very phone.

All it took was someone who could crack into it, run a sweep-program hidden behind secured networks- then the very device tucked away in your jean pockets, internet off, even with SIM cards pulled could still reveal the activity and secrets of its user. Your phone was nothing more than Personal User Manual for others to find.

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