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Hey guys! Thank you for giving my first book a chance. This is a Golden trio era fanfiction. It is my first time writing an actual book so please excuse any cringe or stupid scenes. I would like to thank my friend   CarriMiller who is also part of this book. I write the scenes and we discuss them. This book only has a little bit of intimacy and there will only be language used by Ronald Weasley. Eg: "Bloody Hell!" Some scenes will be taken from the movie and most from the books. So there will be spoilers for those who have not read the books. Some scenes may also vary or be different from the original series. All the cast members except Sirius Black will be the same. He is played by Ben Barnes ;).  If you like the book or spot any mistakes I am open to constructive criticism but please do not give any negative comments. Also don't give any spoilers in the comments. 

Thats it for now.

Your author, 


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