Chapter 7: The Rivalry begins

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Cass's Pov:

  Finally! A week full of homework done! I almost died from the amount of homework we had. Literally for every subject, everyday at least a foot long essay! My wrist nearly broke on Thursday when Snape assigned us three rolls of parchment on one bloody potion. How preposterous is that!

   Anyways, today we have our first Flying lesson today in about 20 minutes! Harry, Ron, and me are extremely excited but Candy and 'Mione are not really looking forward to it. What a bunch of bookworms! The lesson will be taught to us on the grounds so we're heading down there right now. But the only downside is that we have our lessons with the Slytherins. And I'm a 110% sure they'll do something to ruin the lesson.

  We're now standing beside our brooms, Gryffindor on one side and Slytherin on the other. Both of the sides are giving each other equally dirty looks. 

"All here, very good! Listen up now all of you, my name's Madam Hooch and I will be your teacher for your flying lessons." comes the firm voice of an extremely unusual looking woman. She had silver hair and mismatched eyes that resembled a cat's. I think she looks rather cool that way. 

"Seeing that you all have already chosen your brooms, we'll get to it right away. Now, listen to me very carefully. I want you to raise your left hand above your broom and say, 'Up!'." she instructs. 

  I did as she said and to my delight it immediately shoots up into my hand. It happens immediately for Harry and to my horror, so does Malfoy's. Candy and 'Mione's along with Ron's are just flopping around. Ron's forcefully thwacks him on the nose when he says 'Up' with a bit violence. This immediately causes the Slytherin's to let out snickers and unsurprisingly, from the Gryffindor's too. I myself let out a small giggle. Candy is fussing over Ron's nose and Mione just looks done with Ron's idiocy.

  After everyone has their broom's in their hand, we are instructed to mount our brooms and hover on the ground for five seconds after Madam Hooch's whistle. 

"Three, Two, O- Mr. Longbottom what are you doing? Get down here this instant!" 

  I look up and am horrified to see Neville flying higher and higher with obviously no control over his broom. At this point everyone but the Slytherin's are looking up in either amazement or terror. He keeps going higher and higher then suddenly drops! Thankfully his uniform gets stuck on a statues pointy sword tip. But then the cloth tears and he falls down from about 50 feet! 

 "Out of my way all of you! Oh dear, that's a broken wrist there. Come on I'll take you to the Hospital wing." she stands up with Neville clutching his wrist with agony written all over his face. 

"If any of you as much as lift your feet off the ground you'll be out of here faster then you can say 'Quidditch!" with that she makes her way to the Hospital wing with Neville right behind her.

"Well would you look at this!" comes the voice of an all too familiar blonde-headed brat.

I turn around and see him clutching Neville's Remembrall in one hand. 

"Maybe if he had given this a squeeze he would've remembered to land on his fat arse!" the smug bastard says. 

All of the Slytherin's laugh at this. The Gryffindor's cast looks of hate and loathing at them.  

"Give it here Malfoy." Harry says in an intimidating voice.

"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." the little brat challenges.  

    With that, with surprising steadiness, Malfoy hovers with his broom a few feet above the ground and slowly flies away with it. Harry immediately mounts his broom but 'Mione AND Candy try to stop him by repeating Madam Hooch's words. Bless the crazy boy's soul. He takes off! Now everyone's attention is on the two boys battling for the Remembrall in the air. A couple loops and dives here and there and Malfoy decides to fling it in the opposite direction! Harry immediately goes after it. Now I'm a bit worried too.

  Andddddddd he catches it! All the Gryffindors except Hermione and Candy erupt into cheers. All of us congratulate him with pats on the back and words of appreciation. 

"Harry Potter! Come with me!" everyone freezes upon hearing the strict head of Gryffindor house. 

 Harry obediently follows her to god knows where whilst the rest of us just stare in shock. He's as good as dead! If McGonagall caught him that means he might get expelled! Hermione had a 'I-told-you-so' look and Candy looks worried. I walk over to them and they both look at me with mild disapproval which I guess I deserve considering taht I only encouraged him.

"Well Potter deserves that didn't he?" Malfoy asks the Slytherins but it's clearly meant to taunt us too.

  All the snakes agree and some snigger too. I go to say something to them in anger but Candy stops me.

"We don't need to get into more trouble now do we?" she says with a stern gaze.

Madam Hooch finally comes back and we finally get to continue with our flying lesson. It's clear she know about Harry so none of us say anything. The flying lesson comes to an end and we head back up to the tower. 

                                                           « « « «        Time skip          » » » »

We wait patiently for Harry to come back and tell us what happened. We sit there for about half an hour when he walks into the common room with a vibrant smile. That isn't expected at all!

"I got in! I'm the new Gryffindor Seeker!" he exclaims.

"What?! No way! Congrats mate! That's preposterous!" Candy, Me, Ron, and Hermione say at the same time.

All of us look at each other in confusion.

"But aren't only second years and above allowed to be on the Quidditch team?" Hermione questions.

"Professor McGonagall made an exception for me! She introduced me to our Quidditch captain Oliver Wood! We're going to go over the Quidditch basics tomorrow evening. You're welcome to watch if you like." 

  As we stroll through the corridors that day Harry receives many pats on the back and congrats from our fellow Gryffindors. His face is shining with pride. 

"It's not that surprising that you're playing Seeker though Harry." Hermione says.

"And why's that?" Harry asks with genuine curiosity.

Hermione leads us to the trophy room and points to the Quidditch section. When I take a closer look I realize that the name James Potter is listed and shows he was a chaser in his school days. Wow, I guess Hermione does know everything!

After a small discussion on Quidditch basics in the Common room we all head upstairs to bed considering that we have classes tomorrow and we shouldn't be late or Candy sorry, *cough* our Mum*cough* will scold us for being late. 

We bid each other god night and fall asleep in our comfy beds,  some of us ready to wake up to a fresh day of classes whereas some of us want nothing more than to stay in bed all day long. 

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