part 1: The Demon Lord

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Tensura Zogarai was a MAX lvl. Demon lord, his stats were unrivaled by nearly any player...

Tensura stood at the 95th floor of the infinity tower, waiting for the next player to reach his floor. That's when a warrior-class player came into the room with a five-member party. He was level 500 out of the 1,000 level cap. His teammates were between level 420-450.

"Alright Tensura, I've heard from many that you're the strongest player in Corruption Void, however, all of us combine should be capable of defeating you!"

Tensura wore black armor with a silver heart emblem on his chest with a black cape, boots and glove. He had black hair and eyes glowing in the large darkened room. "You really expect to defeat me at such a mid-range level? Hehe I insist you all go back before you lose the loot you gained from going up the tower"

"Never, me and my team of the pure Guard won't give up, I Nobuharo Nagasaki, leader of the pure guard guild shall teach you not to look down on players who's level is lower than yours! Kari, give me some defense while the others do what they do best!"

"Yes sir!" A woman with blue hair in a hooded white robe with a red cross on her torso clapped her palms together as green sparkles of light shined around her. "Holy barrier" A green shield made of mana formed around Tensura as he charged their over-powered opponent.

"For pure guard!" The demon lord sighed as the player threw his sword down with a powerful slash. Tensura didn't flinch as the blade came down, hitting his shoulder full-force. The team of players watched as the sword shattered to pieces like glass. Both the party and their teammates watched as all that remained was the handle of the blade.

"What!? But this is the sword of Bloodworth! It shouldn't beak so easily!"

"Poor fools, haven't you realized, any breakable weapon that's level 500 and below will shatter on contact. I hope that wasn't your trump card" A grin grew across his face. Their captain orders an all-out attack against the brute in hopes their combined power is enough to defeat the heartless player. The three party members who were long-range began shooting an onslaught of attacks, two archers and a mage unleashed flaming arrows and bolts of lightning.

Even with their combined efforts, Zogarai stood motionless with their attacks barley having any effect. The arrows broke on contact with the flames and lightning barely taking his HP down. Nobuharo was shocked at the invincibility of their target.

(Why aren't our attacks having any effects? Surely he doesn't have immunity to all attack types!)

"I'm sure you're all wondering why your attacks aren't working. Well there's multiple factors, I'm 500 levels above all of you which should be the first red flag for any strategic and rational player, also my ring of Lancaster nullifies any attack that's half or lower than my ATK power. So than, any last words before you're all sent back to the low-level city of Ocyria...players such as you will never belong to Lincore, the place of the gods, I alone will be the one who it's bestowed upon. Dark essence of true despair" A black mist swarmed around the demon lord before spreading out across the large stone tower room, poisoning the entire team.

"Damn it, my HP's decreasing at an immense rate!" Noubharo fell to his knees with the black mist floating around his body. He looked behind him to see all his team members on the ground as each of their HP reached zero. They vanished in a flash of blue light as if teleported. Right as the guild master's health was about 2% Tensura released the warrior from the cures, picking him up from his armor's collar.

"Looks like the outcome is clear. Any last words before you're sent back to your middle-class allies?"

"I hope someone stops you one day, I love a good challenge, but some players will want to reach the top of the tower and fight NPCs, not a selfish player who thinks he's above everyone else"

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