Part 2: Redemption (preview)

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Tensura and his group made their way to the 7th floor. “I almost forgot, such unique warriors should have the right to know my name, I am called: Delveore Monto, the vampiric king. I’m glad to join you on your challenge and hope to see you regain your lost powers...For I intend to feed off such a powerful target” The vampire grinned as his red eyes lit up for a brief moment.

They entered the room as a large black creature came into view. It was massive with three red eyes and tentacles whipping around it’s body. “Hmm, it seems to be level 51, who ever created this tower must’ve put this monster in the wrong spot. I’m far more powerful than such filth. The vampire responded with a grin. Just than a tentacle went soaring straight for Delveore when he abruptly slashed his palm like a dagger, his fingers close together.

Tensura and the others watched as the detached body part wiggled for a moment for lying motionless in the large tower room. “Gross” Kiri responded trying to ignore the worm-like thing. The monster let out a loud roar, sending five of his six tentacles right for them.

Tensura prepared to unleash mana blade when Delveore advanced head-on for the monster. Slicing through each tentacle like they were nothing before reaching the creature. It once more let out a loud bellow when a dark-red aura swarmed around the vampire’s body. “Vampiric syphoning” Sending his nails inside the black monster’s fleas, he began draining it of it’s MP and HP. “Pathetic, I'm surprised a mindless creature like you could even hope to reach your current level, but now it’s over, here’s where your useless life comes to an end” He jumped off the creature, making a triangle symbol with his hands. “Hell flame”

The players watched as the monster was engulfed within purple flames as it let out cries of agony before finally being defeated. “Heh, such trash, to think that thing was one level ahead of me. Shall we go Tensura?” The player hesitated before answering: “Yea, let’s go”

CHAPTER 1: Growing In Power

They made their way up the tower, with the vampire NPC, it wasn’t long enough they reached the 15th floor where they were fighting a level 110 demon. Tensura had already reached level 50 from all the exp of the creatures far higher level than him. He gained multiple new skills and decent loot. He wore a black hooded-cloak that had a red sun symbol on the back. He also gained a black katana that did far more damage than his original sword.

Since Kiri and Nobuharo were far in the 600’s they probably wouldn’t level up any time soon and the loot they got weren’t worth much so they just either sold them in their menus or broke them down for resources. “Wow Tensora, you’re leveling up quickly, after this we should head back and rest, you’re down to five potions and it wouldn’t be much fun if you leveled up too fast” Nobuharo suggested.

“You’re right, at this level I'm at least strong enough to defend myself now” (My reason for becoming a high-level player was to look down on those who treated me like nothing, but now...I’m going to reach max level, but for a new reason, I will become a protector, the one who saves new and low-level players from people like me)

The demon was a black shadow with red eyes and sharp teeth. It looked at Tensura Zogari and began to change form. All watched as it morphed into a pale version of him. But instead of his current lvl. 50 version of him, it was his MAX lvl. Him. The him he was before he lost all his power and items. It grinned still with sharp teeth as the others were knocked back by an immense force that seem to affect everyone but him.

“ you’ve fallen from your god-like power to a mere weakling and you allied with someone you defeated. Why put yourself through such humiliation? Join me and I shall give you your powers back. If you refuse, you’ll die here. Your far to weak to survive my attacks, so you may as will give in to the darkness, that hatred you feel for all those you deem below you. Treat those how you were treated”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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