Prove to me ~15

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The next morning Louis didn't have classes... and going off the fact that he and Ivory had been friends for one and a half years, constantly hanging out during free periods, and sharing a few classes here and there... he knew neither did she. This knowledge took care of half his problem... the other half was that he now had to find said female so he could speak with her. This was also something new... Louis never had to go looking for Ivy, she was always around him, she found him.

'Think Louis... where would Ivy be...? Where would she go?' The red deer paused before heading toward the empty corridors near the extra auditorium.

Those corridors are the ones the two sophomore students would walk when they spoke or just wanted to hang out. It was one of Ivory's favorite spots though Louis never understood why. Don't get it wrong, Louis was pleased to get away from all the constant chatter from all the other animals, and all the female herbivores chasing after him. He usually had to run up to his room to get away, but once Ivy showed him these corridors, there was suddenly another school place he could run to instead.

~"Called it... ladies man..."~

Louis paused climbing the stairs, his ears twitching as Ivory's voice sounded in his head.

~"It's rare,"
"What is?"
"Finding someone like you... someone who can find it in them to be a decent person even in the world we live in..."
"I'm far from decent..."~

'What~ what is this feeling... running throw my body... I~...' Louis took a few deep breaths, gripping the stair rail harder, opening his mouth slightly, feeling the sudden need to pant and regain the oxygen stolen from his lungs.

~"Mm-hmm hm. You're cute you know that,"
"I am not, cute..."
"Sure you are,"~

Why?... Why did it take him so long... so long to realize all the signs were there... all the hints Ivy threw his way. How did he not pick up her attraction to him on his own!? From the beginning... ever since the day Ivory first arrived she had zeroed in on Louis... Her constant teasing, her all-knowing smirks...

"Damnit!" Louis gritted his teeth, propelling himself up the stairs faster.

He needed to see her... needed to be near her... all this time, all the hours spent together, all the sneaky touches and Eskimo-kisses...

~"Your eyes are a strange color..."
"You don't like them?"
"No, I do... it's just, they are intimidating is all...
"My brother says they resemble the sunsets... the fiery shade of the sky at dusk, the time a preditor is most beautiful,"
"I find it hard to focus when I look into them,"

'It's hard to focus when she's around... it's hard to breathe,' Louis climbed the last step, bending over to catch his breath before beginning to walk down the corridors, heading for the auditorium.

~"What do you think of this little Hybrid?"
"Louis'... little... Hybrid..."~

She's confident... She knows exactly what she wants...

~Louis shivered feeling Ivy's tongue lick a soft stride up the side of his neck. This was the first time Ivy had done something so bold... Louis was nervous, to be honest... his hands were free to push her back at any time, but he didn't... He just sat in his chair as the carnivore behind him licked and sucked his neck, allowing the sexual act to take its course...~

'She was right... I had been oblivious, blind even, to her 'not so subtle' attempts at showing me her affections...' Louis thought, clenching his small hand into a tight fist, slowly raising it to his neck and caressing his fur at the lingering sensation.

Self-Control (Beastars LouisxOc)Where stories live. Discover now