The New Kid ~1

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(I don't own the pic)


Cars are built in funny ways... some are built with no roof, so the sun is constantly on you, some are built with tinted windows letting only a limited amount of light in, and some are built to let absolutely no light in... But usually, those cars are used by rich people... or criminals, in this case.

"It's, my first night, out with you..."

The high pitched vocals of a female animal rang through the air of the darkened armored vehicle.

"Let's have, some fun, let me play with you..."

The voice was then accompanied by the light clanking of chains, the sound echoing through the car.

"Let, me be your fantasy, you will see..."

"I'm gonna rock your world..."

Ivory, -or Ivy, as she prefers- was seated in one such car, chained and blinded as she was transported to her new school. There wasn't any particular reason why she was going to a new school other than the fact that she needed to complete High School, but there were plenty of reasons why she needed to be accompanied by guards... three adult lions to be specific.

"Just give me a chance and I'll show you, ooh I'll show you, how much I love you..."

"For God's sake shut up!" One of the lions sitting alongside the smaller carnivore snapped angrily.

"hA Ha hA!" Ivory chuckled, tilting her head to the side the lion's voice came from.

"Awww, you're no fun!" She whined.

"How much further!? I can't wait to throw this bitch out!"

"We're almost there," The lion driving the vehicle answered his friend.

"You don't like singing? Is it because you can't sing? Or do you just hate music in general?" Ivory lifted her hands to pat his head but they were stopped halfway by her cuffs.

"You're crazy kid," The second lion on her side commented.

"Thanks! It's a family trait." Ivory's ears flattened against her head and she smiled a very toothy smile.

"We're here,"

"Oh, goodie!" Ivory felt her tail happily brush against her legs.

The young carnivore was pulled out of the car by her chains, the two lions grabbing her wrists and unlocking her cuffs.

"This is exciting, isn't it? All the new faces! All the possibilities!" Ivory cheered pulling her clawed hands up to pull the blindfold off her face.

The three lions watched as the young carnivore blinked to adjust her cat-like eyes to the sunny surroundings.

"Mmmm, how I've missed fresh air..." Ivory stretched her long limbs, shaking off a shiver as she felt the wind rush through her fur.

"Stay out of trouble kid,"

"We'll be keeping an eye on you," The young female watched the three get back into the car and drive off.

"Mmmmm..... now... let's have some fun," Ivory smirked wickedly to herself.

So Ivory walked around the campus with her hands behind her back, a slight skip in her step. This young carnivore was more than ecstatic to be, 'back on the streets' so to speak. Ivory took notice of all the little herbivores or smaller carnivores that would side-step out of her path as she skipped past but paid them no mind more than that. Cherryton Academy was one of the most prestigious schools on this side of town, and the fact that Ivory's foster parents had gotten her warden to agree to let her attend was beyond this world.

"Wrap me in plastic and make me shine... I can be your queen be always by your side..."

Ivory nodded 'in greeting' to other students as she sang to herself and skipped along. Her long leopard tail trailing just above the floor behind her. Her shoes tapping against the floor and giving off a great echo in the corridor.

"Stay up all night care, not about the time... run away together and never live a lie..."

Ivory rounded the corner and nearly ran into someone, had it not been for her sharp eyes and quick reflexes, the young female may not have been able to duck under the other student's arm and skid to a safe stop behind them.


"Oops, my bad," The carnivore cut her school-mate off and apologized, turning to face them with lidded eyes and a toothy grin.

"Ooooh, a red deer..." Ivory jumped in front of the young male, looking him up and down, curiosity shining strongly in her now wide eyes.

"There aren't many of you pure breeds left these days... what a treat," She hummed circling the male herbivore.

"Uhh, are you new? I didn't see you at orientation yesterday," Said red deer followed Ivory's movements as he asked the question.

"Hmm? Oh yes, I just got here," Ivory straightened her body and smirked.

"Ivory... though I would prefer if you called me Ivy," The carnivore stuck her clawed hand out to the deer.

"Uh, Louis," The poor male herbivore's voice shook slightly but he strongly shook 'Ivy's' hand.

Ivory sharply pulled her hand toward her, holding Louis' hand tight as she pulled him flush up against her.

"H-hey~" Louis stammered, shocked.

"Hmm," Ivory sniffed Louis, pulling back slightly to stare him dead in the eyes.

Louis could see his reflection in the pupils of the carnivore's eyes. Her ruby-amber irises glimmering strongly as she stared into his very soul.

"You are rather calm right now Louis... does it not scare you to be held like this by some stranger?" Ivory leaned closer.

"It's slightly uncomfortable..." Louis commented, watching the carnivore he wasn't even sure was a carnivore lean her nose into his neck and inhale deeply.

"So if you wouldn't mind backing away slightly... that would be great..." Louis gulped.

"Hmm..." Ivory grinned with closed eyes as she backed away, breaking the intense moment that they just had.

"You're cute..." Louis' eyes widened slightly, his shoulders tensing in Ivory's hold as she placed both hands on them.

"I hope you don't mind... well I mean it's not like you'll exactly have a choice... but I'm going to keep my eyes on you... Louis," Ivory quickly knocked her nose against Louis' and popped her lips, giving him another toothy smirk before letting go of him, turning away like the conversation they had was nothing out of the ordinary and happily skipping away.

"Ha, what the heck was that all about..." Louis straightened his uniform, fixing his tie before beginning to walk off to wherever he needed to be, holding his nose.

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