Chapter 9

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        I travel fast and keep my eyes peeled for Krang-bots. Within a few minutes I was on the roof of my families pent house apartment. I slip down the fire escape to my room and peek in. It’s dark with only my nightlight on. I couldn’t tell if anything had been changed. Then again, her parents usually waited 48 hours before they called. I looked at the sky to tell what time it was. By the position of the sun it was about 4:30. ‘They won’t be home for another hour.’ I pry open the window and slide in. 

“Dammit, it’s dark in here.” I crawl over my bed and flip the light switch. The light flicker on. I had put a pretty pink bulb in so my room wouldn’t be so bright.  “Better!” 

        I open my large walk in closet and, look for a large duffle bag, which I find on the top shelf. I start to fill it with kimonos and jeans. I grad two pair of skinny jeans and 3 pairs of bell bottoms.  I grab my other three favorite kimonos. One was white with pink petals across the bottom, one was black with red rings on it, and the other was blue that faded into white. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a few cute blouses and bras. I grab some clean panties as well. I make sure to grab at least one set of matching lace bra and panties. I look on top of the dresser and grab makeup and my brush. I figured I would need some money so I pull a large black box from under my bed. I turn the lock dials and unlock it. In side was where I hide all my money. I pulled all the money out and crammed it into the bag. Before I leave, I grab perfume, jewelry, my MP3, diary, and a collar for Pixel.

“That should do it,” I start to leave and stop. “Oh, yeah!” I grab a pillow and the comforter off my bed and stuff them into the bag, as well. “Can’t forget warmth!” I step out the window. “I’ll miss you room.” I lock and shut the window. “Goodbye.”

As I return with my stuff, I notice the boys where all sitting on the couch, playing some board game. I just stand there, watching them. 

“What are you guys doing?” I finally say dropping my duffle bag, making them all jump. “Ha, some ninja’s y’all are, you couldn’t even tell I was coming or here!” 

“Maxy, you scared us half to death!” Mikey was holding his chest.

“Well, your still breathing, so, your gonna live.” I bend down and grab the blanket out of the bag. “So, what are you guy’s doing?” I walk over and sit next to Raph. 

“It’s a medieval magic game,” Mikey smiles that goofy smile he does. “I’m an elf and this is my PLUS ONE RING OF AWESOMENESS!” He strike a heroic pose. I burst into laughter.

“Oh god,” I try to catch my breathe. “I think I’m gonna die.” 

“What’s so funny?” Mikey looks at me with confused eyes. 

“Oh come on!” I can’t believe he can’t see it. “It’s easy for me to see you and Donnie playing this game, but, Leo and Raph, it’s just no!” I burst into laughter again. I was seriously about to pass out. I felt myself fading. “Help!” I cover my mouth and breathe though my nose. After what seemed like forever, I finally was breathing right. “All good now.”

“Well, that was awkward.” Leo just stared at me.

“GAY BABIES!” I yelled randomly. Beside me, Raph jumped.

“What?!” Donnie looks at me with slanted eyes. 

“Every time something awkward happens, a gay baby is born!” I laugh trying keep a straight face.

“Well, that explains Mikey.” Raph slid his hand under the blanket and held my hand. He did both of these things while keeping a straight face. 

“That’s not nice!” I punch him softly.

“It wasn’t supposed to be.” Raph just looked at me and squeezed my hand tightly. 

“Your such a mean brother!” I laugh. I squeeze his hand tightly as well.

“Yeah but, there is some truth in it.” Raph looked at Mikey, who’s face became a light shade of red.

“SHUT UP RAPH!” Mikey exploded. I jumped slightly. I looked in his eyes and they showed pure pain. I could tell what Raph had just told me was true. Mikey was bisexual. 

“Don’t worry Mikey, your not the only one!” I wanted Mikey to know I didn’t find him weird. In fact, I found him not being completely straight, comforting. 

“Wait, what?” Raph looks at me, his eye wide with surprise. 

“What, you think a girl like me only like’s guys?” I laugh and squeeze his hand. 

“You like girls too!” Leo and Donnie say at the same time. 

“Well, yeah, girls have some-” I’m interrupted by a very loud BRIIINNNNGGGG. I jump and squeal. 

“Hey, it’s April.” Donnie answers his phone. “Hey April,” He pause and his eyes get big. “What where at April, April, April answer me!” He jumps up. “April’s been kidnapped by Shredder. I can track where her phone is at to locate her.” He fumbles with the phone. “Ok, got it lets go!” They grab their weapons.

“Can I come?” I wanted to meet this Shredder person. “I can fight just as good as any of you!”

“Maxy, I really think you should stay here.” Leo looked down at his weapon. “It’ll be safer.” With that they where gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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