Delete this Doll

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3rd POV
Debby snarled at Kinsey, and huffed out air through her nose. Debby was sick and tired of the girl, and it had been 2 minutes.

"You're mean.", she frowned to Kinsey.

"You're fake.", Kinsey narrowed her eyes. Benny widened his eyes at how Debby looked like she wanted to kill Kinsey. Kinsey had to admit, she was kinda scared. I mean who wouldn't be? A life-size doll who just appears, wants to hurt you. Though she was scared, she was determined to not let it show.

"Well me and Jane are gonna go have a cupcake dance party! You're all invited, except for you.", Debby started to walk out of the room, stopping to poke Kinsey in her chest when addressing her. Kinsey's chest started to glow blue were Debby was touching, and she was about to push her away, but she couldn't. Kinsey felt heavy, she felt as if she was gonna faint. Her head started to spin and she just couldn't find the strength to stand up anymore. Debby smirked at her, lifted her finger, and walked downstairs with Jane. Kinsey groaned and started to fall to the floor. Benny was quick to catch her, and do his best to keep her up. He brought her to bed and laid her down.

"Kins? Are you ok? Kins!", Benny started to freak out. Ethan and Sara stood back confused.

"Mmh, I-I'm fine?", Kinsey groaned. The group looked at her confused and concerned.

"What-what happened?", Ethan questioned.

"I don't know? That barbie bitch touched me, and now it feels like I can't walk. I feel so weak...", Kinsey whined. Benny sat down next to the girl laying down, and grabbed her hand. He looked more worried than she did.

"Benny, stay here with her while she lays down, and find a way to undo this. Now!", Sara scolded him, and threw the spell book down next to him. She then disappeared out of the room to go monitor Jane and Debby.

"Ugh, it's not that simple!", Benny groaned.

"What?", Ethan asked.

"To reverse it, he has to find out what spell she used and exactly how she pronounced it.", Kinsey said weakly, still laying down.

"Yeah, and plus, I think Jane used a different spell. Or different words... but she's right. I cant reverse it until I know the exact spell.", Benny started to flip through the books.

"Kitchen Party!", Debby's voice rang through the house, and Ethan groaned.

"Just... find the spell. Fast.", Ethan walked downstairs after his words to help Sara. Kinsey, starting to feel her strength come back, sat up onto her elbows.

"How you feeling?", Benny looked down to Kinsey. Kinsey shrugged.

"Eh, slowly getting my strength back."

"That's good. What do you think happened?"

"I think that barbie did something! I mean she clearly doesn't like me."

"Yeah, it doesn't look like she does, but screw her."

"Yeah, it kinda looked like you wanted too.", Kinsey joked, kinda.

"What?!", Benny widened his eyes. "No! Ew! Plus how could I ever like someone who's mean to you, let alone hurt you?"

Kinsey's heart fluttered at his words. She did her best to fully sit up, slightly struggling. Benny took note of that, and immediately helped her sit up properly. She was sitting across from him now, both sitting crisscross applesauce. "Thanks. I wouldn't be able to love anyone who hurts you either."

"No problem Kins.", Benny smiled at her.

"Need help finding that spell?", Kinsey grabbed the spell book from him, and started to flip through the pages.

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