Pink Light

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Kinsey's POV
Me and Sara we're following Stephanie's lead, shaking our hips, when Stephanie stopped and turned around. Benny and Ethan stood there, in cheap wigs and cheer outfits.

"No they didn't...", my mouth dropped fully open, before I could finish my sentence.

"Uh, Betty, Veronica? Would you care to join us?", Stephanie crossed her arms impatiently.

"Oh we care!", Benny said in a high voice, then he and Ethan giggled, skipping over to us. The fact that no one else caught on was beyond me.
Stephanie then made us huddle and yelled.

"I want to hear to you shout!", but I couldn't focus on the rest, I was too caught up in Ethan's eyes. They went white, he's having another vision.

"Okay, now hit the showers, rookies. Some of you new recruits are rank.", she looked Benny and Ethan up and down. She started strut away turning around to say, "Oh, and Kins! Might wanna get a size bigger uniform, just being honest, and a good friend!". She smiled innocently at me, and laughed. I opened my mouth to fight back, when she slammed the locker room door shut. I hugged out air, and threw my poms-poms to the ground. Sara shook her head, grabbing my arm to go to the locker room.

3rd POV
"Benny, I just had another vision. It was almost like Erica sucked the blood out of everyone.", Ethan kept his eyes on the locker-room door, as almost he was waiting for tragedy to strike.

"We'd better tell Kins and Sara!"

"But... the girls are headed to the shower."

"Lives are at stake hare, Ethan! I don't think this can wait. Do you?", Benny smirked hinting he wanted to go into the locker-room for more than just warning the girls. He turned starting to go to the locker-room.

"That would be irresponsible!", Ethan took after Benny. The boys walked down the hall leading the door, Benny opened it excited. Sara and Kinsey stood there, anticipating the boys would do something like this. Both their arms crossed.

"Uh, e...excuse me. I was... I just wanted to fix my hair. The humidity just makes it-", Benny put his hands up to his hair, and made his his voice higher.

"Please, stop. Save the act for your idiot friends-", Sara put up her hands in protest.

"What friends?", Kinsey smirked and shook her head.

"No, listen, listen. You can't tell anyone. It's important. I just had a terrible vision.", Ethan whispered. Benny just smiled, embarrassed, looking to Kinsey.

"Ditto! Yup no unseeing this, I mean come on! You didn't think we would believe this?", Kinsey was obviously amused with her friends.

"Yeah! I'm gonna have to wash my eyes out with soap.", Sara motioned her finger up and down the boys.

"Look, we can handle Erica. Go practice your cheers and have a cold shower..", Sara sighed. The girls turned around to change.

"If you insist!", Benny started to walk into the locker-room.

"Benny!", Kinsey laughed.

"At home!", Sara gasped at the same time.

"Oh, oh. See, I just thought-"

"Oh please Benny! You wish!", Kinsey teased waving to him, signaling its time for him to leave. Once the boys got to the other side of the door, they leaned against it.

"I really do wish..", Benny smirked to Ethan. Ethan scoffed, and started to walk away.

"E! Wait up!", Benny ran after him.

Kinsey's POV
I walked with the cheer squad to the front of the lunch line. I scrunched my eyebrows together, this wasn't where the lunch line started.

"Stephanie, the lines back-"

"Shut up Troll!", Stephanie yelled. The squad laughed, and I looked around embarrassed. Sara looked at sympathetically, and rubbed my back. I didn't pay attention until we started to move again. I walked with Sara and Erica in the back of the group.

"Can't we just let Erica eat her! I fully support Erica now, it's the circle of life.", I whined.

"Oh don't worry, I'll make it special for you Kins!", Erica snarled with her fangs, before running to join front of the group. Me and Sara walked side by side.

"Ugh! Hanging out with those girls makes me want to stake myself through the heart.", Sara grumbled as we stopped in-front of Ethan and Benny, her arm still linked with mine.

"How? There so hot!", Benny gushed at the cheerleaders in-front of us.

"What's up with you?", Ethan shook my shoulder, trying to get me to lift my head up. I shook my head, grabbing Sara's arm and dragging her towards to group again.

"The star is the most important position for the pep rally tomorrow. It has to be perfect if we're going to get enough team spirit. Okay I want you to shout!", Stephanie lifted all our arms up, to make a star with them. We all started chanting the cheer that she made us work on, constantly..

-We're forces of nature. That's what makes a star. We may look like girls, but that's not all we are!-

We threw our poms-poms onto the floor, and raised our hands up cheering.  "Team spirit, fingers! Way to cheer! Let's hit the mall.", Stephanie motioned for the girls to follow her to the pile of cheer bags. I bent over, and grabbed my poms-poms.

"Nice..", I Benny behind me. I scoffed, and turned to him. I pulled my skirt down shaking my head.

"I can't believe I signed up for this.", Sara sighed.

"I can't you made me! And you two, why would you sign up voluntarily!", I huffed out air. Me and Sara turned to see them staring at the girls pack their cheer gear up.

"Never mind..", Sara turned back to Erica and me.

"So, where to next? Straight home?", Sara asked obviously bored of hanging out with the cheer squad.

"No, I think I'm gonna go grab a bite.", Erica smiled walking up the to girls, or one in particular. Stephanie.

"That's my girl!", I yelled to Erica. Sara scoffed at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me with her to follow Erica. We followed Erica all the way up Stephanie's locker, before they stopped in-front of it. Me and Sara stood behind a wall hiding, waiting to see what was gonna happen. We heard Erica hiss, and jumped out ready to stop her. Me and Sara stopped when Stephenie stopped Erica without even touching her. My eyes widened, and I grabbed Sara's arm. We both watched in fear as a pink light took over the hallway. And that's all I remember.

Hi! Thank you guys so much! I'm at 300 reads! I love you guys, and remember if you ever need a friend, advice, or someone to talk too i'm here! I wanna communicate with you guys! Please let me know if there was any errors, I would be happy to fix them!

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