chapter 1 - the prank

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"it was just a prank han"

but it wasn't 'just a prank' and it wasn't funny.

~~ around 1 hour earlier ~~

y/ns POV:

The music grew louder and louder, joshes hands were round my waist, his warm lips against my neck. We were dizzy and it felt like we were on top of the world, on an ultimate high in the Washington's family cabin. Soon everyone seemed to relax and calm down, Chris and Josh passed out on the kitchen counter and Beth (who doesn't drink) was at the sink washing the dishes. I was still quite tipsy and giggly so when Beth pointed out that she saw someone i didn't take it seriously.

"that's weird, i thought dad said it was only us this weekend" she said

i crept up behind her and whispered in her ear "maybe it's a scaryyy murderer out to get us", she just rolled her eyes and i laughed. We tried to wake up the boys i shook Chris while Beth went around the other side and picked up the bottle next to Josh,
"jeremiah cragg" she read and raised her eyebrows "Jeez Josh, once again brother you have outdone us all"
In the corner of my eye i noticed a note lay on the counter, i walked over to it and read it to Beth "Hannah, you look so damn hot in that shirt... but i bet you're even better out of it, come to the guest room at 2:00 am, Mike" a smirk crawled across my face.
"what has your naive sister got herself into now-" just as i was finishing my sentence me and Beth saw Hannah run past the kitchen window, we looked at eachother and i knew from the sick feeling in my stomach that something was very wrong. I contemplated waking Josh but decided there was no use he was out like a light, instead i ran out of the double doors, Beth close behind me. We got to the living space and saw Sam running round the corner leading to the back door. When we got out there Mike was stood looking guilty and the rest of them just look unbothered as if Hannah had made a big thing out of nothing.
"where is my sister going" beth said trying to keep her voice calm.
"it's fine she just can't take a joke" Jess snapped
"it was just a prank Han" Emily said, she rolled her eyes and turned to go back inside.
"you jerks!" with that Beth ran into the woods.
I panicked and didn't know what else to do so i went running along and soon caught up with Beth, we didn't say a word to eachother all i heard was a swear word under beths breath every now and then.
We kept shouting and shouting Hannah's name which felt kind of useless at the time because she could of gone anywhere. Luckily, though, we soon found her crouched in the snow with just a small top on, Beth ran up to her and offered her jacket id brought my scarf so i wrapped it around her neck.
"i am such an idiot, i am so dumb"
before me or Beth had any time to respond we heard a twig snap and saw i don't know something? it was a tall shadow, it didn't seem human but then at the same time the way it moved suggested maybe it had once been human?
we didn't know what else to do and we were desperate, we sprinted down the icy path, dodging branches and stones. Hannah tripped and i dragged her back up, she clung to my arm and for some reason it felt strange i just wanted to hug her, i felt like i was wasting valuable time with her?
After dragging Hannah up i slipped myself, but instead of just falling i slid down a small hill, i screamed for them to carry on and told them i'd catch up.
But before i could get to them, before i could do anything, before i could help a man was walking towards them.
That's when it happened, that was when Hannah slipped backwards, taking Beth along with her, i saw them clinging for dear life. I tried my best to get back to them scrambling up the snow trying to get to the cliff top. The man reached his hand out and i don't know if he was trying to help or if he was the one that threw them off the cliff all i know is, it happened. They fell.
In those few moments after, i forgot how to breath i was just still in the woods, in the cold, in the snow on my own. The 2 people, my 2 bestfriends that were just with me and were alive just a few seconds ago were gone and i was lay in the snow, because what could i do next? I couldn't tell Josh, i couldn't even face him and that was because i could of, no i should've done something but i didn't. The rest of a night is a blur, a blur of me crawling back to the cabin, crying, police sirens and just having warm hands around me.

~~ present day ~~

I open my eyes and my therapist is next to me, pretty much noting down every word i just said. Its like she's writing her own disturbing story based on my fucking trauma. I sit up, and sigh out, I hate talking about it out loud but once i start it's like i can't stop. Everyone knows i blame myself, i try not to show it and pretend i'm fine but its so hard trying to perfectly balance how much emotion i should be showing. If i was to act stone cold and keep all of it inside it would look like i dont care, like i'm guilty but then if i cry about it all the time, never stop apologising and was just constantly upset i'd be labelled as the friend that will never get over it, i'd be the one that gets all the sympathetic looks and all the fucking pats on the back telling me 'how strong i am'. I can't stand it because since the accident nothing has ever been the same, not that i ever expected it to be but i don't know, me and Josh are still in very close contact but we've stopped staying at each other's houses so much because he needs his therapist and he needs to take his meds. I haven't spoken to the rest of the gang in a while i mean other than Ashley, it's just weird the whole group just feels like a distant memory that i want to forget about. i smile at my therapist and walk out, as i close the door behind me i close my eyes and breathe in, big mistake, because every time my eyes close i'm back there whether i'm trying to sleep, washing my hair in the shower or even just doing makeup i'm there and i watch it all over again.


i know this is a really slow start but i feel like with a lot of these stories it's really full on very fast but i rlly want you to get to know your own character and fit yourself into the story more i promise it picks up very soon :))

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