chapter 3 : SHE WHAT ?!

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annyeonghaseyo army's min yoongi is back with another story y'all may wonder what the title means don't you ?! well guess what.....she found out something shocking about herself and decided to choose a different path that not everyone would usually do i won't spoil it just yet so find out yourself ok ?! so last time i told you about how our interview in her channel went and the things that she asked us right ?! alright now let me tell you what happened to her after she knew that I'm gay and how she realized her true identity and decided to take a step forward to make it happen ok ?! ok so this happened after 3 months before the new year :-

* flashback after 3 months * ( time for taehyung's pov now )

i was talking to yoongi about how much views my cousin got in our interview video when suddenly shana called me and i excused myself and answered the call but little did i know i was about to get the biggest shock in my life anyway here's what happened in the call :-

* call *

taehyung : yabosayo ?! i said as i answered the call

shana : t-t-taehyung it true that he's gay ?! she said between her sobs then my face went pale and my heart ached as i heard her crying poor her then i sighed and said :-

taehyung : y-y-yea he is gay but lately he's been questioning himself and told me that he saw a strong connection between the two of you and that it's his first time having feelings for someone why ?! then she said between her sobs again but louder this time :-

shana : i.....i have something to tell you and i wanna ask you a question then i said :-

taehyung : it's ok ask me anything I'll try my best to help you in anyway i can then she said the words that i never expected her to say :-

shana : lately I've been thinking......I don't feel like a girl i was supposed to be a boy and i asked the doctor and was to see that i had both parts of a girl and a boy and he told me that I'll have to go for psychotherapy and figure whether i wanted to be a girl or a boy and i did and now i.....i wanna transition to a boy shall i ?! she said between her tears and showed me the papers and i was so shocked to say the least but then i sighed and said :-

taehyung : this is the last time i ask you.....are you ready to walk to a different path and live your life as a boy ?! or you wanna stay as a girl and continue living as usual ?! i said in a serious tone still shocked at her statement then she wiped her tears and said calmly :-

shana : i wanna be a boy not just because i love yoongi but also because I'd feel comfortable in my own skin if i was a boy she said firmly then i sighed and said :-

taehyung : then go for it go ahead and do it when and where do you wanna go for the transition surgery and how much do you need ?! i said with a smile then she or shall i say he said :-

shana : they coust 60 thousand won but i have the money already and i booked a ticket and my flight is tomorrow at 3:30 pm and i already packed my things cause I'll be staying there for a while but don't worry I'll make sure to call you after the surgery ok ?! then i said :-

taehyung : can't i come with you ?! plz book another ticket for me I won't leave your side I'll teach you to live like a boy ok ?! then he said :-

shana : ok then I'll book a ticket for you remember 3:30 pm we'll leave in 1:30 pm ok ?! then i said :-

taehyung : ok 1:30 pm i got it I'll go pack up now see you tomorrow then he hung up and i started packing I won't leave your side when you need me the most shana ( now back to yoongi's pov )

what he didn't know is that i was looking for him so we can start writing his new solo song for the next album and when i found him I happened to overhear their conversation then i escaped and went to my studio in tears feeling bad for shana's misfortune she's willing to turn to a boy just for me and she was crying shana I'm so sorry i love you so much no matter what you are a girl or a boy I'll always love you you're the one that I'd like to spend the rest of my life with I'll be waiting for you my love i love you so much i really do i really mean it I'm serious

that's it for this chapter stay tuned for the next chapter ok ?! that's it see y'all in the next chapter annyeong saranghayo army's min yoongi out


a/n's message :-

annyeonghaseyo samsams thx for reading this chapter hmm i wonder if they'll get together and have kids or not stay tuned for the next chapter ok ?! that's it see y'all in the next chapter annyeong saranghayo samsams samiffs out

my trans boyfriend ( bts yoongi gay ff +18 oneshot )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu